Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Meowloween!

Happy Meowloween pals! Y'all like my lobstah costume? Momma says I are cute enuf to eat . . . OMC, I better watch out!!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

National Cat Day!


Finally! A day dedicated to cats. As everyday should be. MOL. Well, I did pretty good on this National Cat Day - I got some bacon for a (very late) brunch and I got lotsa pets and snuggle time wif my momma.

She drew a kitten's first Meowloween for today's Catuday Art. Dis lil trick or treater are so cute, I would even let him have a Temptation or two. Well, as long as I got my share at da same time, MOL.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Feline Friday


Hey pals!

Well, momma made it through da week. And everyone at her job are still alive, MOL MOL.

Now it are da weekend, so she can spend time hangin out wif ME. Hopefully wif some bacon involved.

Maybe some shrimp, chikken, beef, yeah, I got a whole long list of ideas!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Meoloween Toy Time!


Meowloween! It's almost here! So today momma gave me my Meowloween toys - she got me two lil catnip bats and grandma got me a whole lil haunted house wif ghosties! Ahhh, who needs candy when ya got catnip?? Oh, and I also got a "treat" tonite - salmon! YUM!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday Selfies

Hey pals! It's Sunday and it's selfie time!

Well, my momma survived what she are now terming da week from Lubbock Hell. She are not gonna get into da details of it all here, but basically she feels totally disrespected where she are workin for da next 6 1/2 months and has no idea where we are gonna be next. So da stress level around here are sky high and I am giving her lotsa purrs, headbonks. And a steady stream of siren meows cuz I know she luvs dat stuff.

I also told her bacon are a known stress reliever and she should be cookin it for me everyday. Yeah, it didn't work, but a guy can try.

Thursday, October 20, 2022



It's here! That once a year celebrayshun of all things tocktacular!

I had been worried about TockTober this year. I mean, back in July when I was so sick, my tocks were in sorry shape. How wuz I going to honor Derby wif bony tocks like that?

So I worked very HARD at eating as much as I could get my paws on, I did my squats, and now I are back to havin tocks a mancat can be proud of. Furst, da safe for work vershun.

And now for a lil NSFW tock ackshun.

Happy TockTober! May your tocks be shapely and may your food bowl be always full.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Monday, October 10, 2022



So I'm wearing my beer bandana for Oktoberfest.

But y'all know I'm all about that sossidge.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Caturday Art


So I has visitors! Grandma and Brinley da pup came to visit ME. Ok, maybe they wanted to see Kinley too. Maybe even my momma, who knows? But mostly, I are pretty shure dey came to visit me.

So I has been making sure to get plenty of food from grandma, MOL.

Isn't that what grandmas are for? Spoiling their grandkitties??

Ok, now for momma's Caturday art. Meow!!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Caturday Art

Hey pals. Well, momma did some Meowloween decorating today - including my blog!

She also finished up her first round interviews (well, at least so far anyways). I told her she shoulda let me meow in em and show off how cute I am, but for some reason she thinks dey wanna listen to her blah blah about her papers and stuff.

Yeah, probably a losing strategy.

Here's her Catuday art for today.