Thursday, August 24, 2023

RIP Bonham

Aunt Ally found Bonham passed away this morning. He got some breakfast at six and she found him around nine. We don't know what happened - of course, we don't know much about Bonham. We do think he was older, and he may have been dumped because he was sick. We never could figure out why someone would dump him - he was such a sweet cat and he was very loving. We only had him for eight months, but we loved him and we're all sad and going to miss him. RIP Bonham Leonidas.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Mewsic Monday

Hey pals! Well, it's time for another Mewsic Monday. The theme dis week are songs about animals to commemorate da dog cat days of summer. So obviously, I picked songs about the most superior animal of all . . .

You know you wanna be a cat. Don't even pretend any different.

Uh, I hate to break it to em, but a black and orange stray cat are like 99.9% girls. Just sayin . . . 

Ok, maybe the black cat are an analogy or whatefurs, but it could be about a kitty who likes life on da edge, MOL.

Tigers! I guess it are a neon one cuz it are in Vegas. Either that, or it has been playin in my momma's eyeshadow. Guess it could be both.

A classic! 

Ok, I'm not Siamese, but this song is so me. Speshully da teasing da dog part, MOL.


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Caturday Art

Hey pals. Well, momma says dat moving day are approaching . . . 

I'm not shure how I feel about that one, but I am glad my grandma is gonna be coming out here next week. I know she luvs me and I am hoping I can con her outta some extra treats.

Do you think she'll believe that me that my momma has been starving me? Ok, maybe not since my momma thinks I have actually gained back a pound (I have more than that I need to gain back though . . . )

Anyways, here are da momma's quick Caturday art. Next Caturday we'll be sans internet, so I guess this drawing will hafta do for a couple weeks.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wordless Wednesday


Monday, August 14, 2023

Mewsic Monday

Hey pals. Welcome to another edishun of Mewsic Monday wif your favorite mancat . . . I better be your favorite mancat! MOL MOL. Anyways, there are no offishul theme dis week, so my momma are doing 2023 songs for both me and Kinley. Maybe you'll find something you like, or maybe you won't, but my momma likes em and since it are her who are typin dis blog for me . . .

My purrsonal favorite kind of high is catnip, but different strokes I guess.

Skipping treat time would be bad idea momma. Hint hint.


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Caturday Art

Well, the endless packing around here continues.

I am NOT happy. Too many of my things are missing. And momma seems to think this whole packing thing is more important than feeding me every five minutes.

Here's my Caturday Art - actually it wuz done for International Cat Day earlier in the week (momma liked this drawing better than today's effort . . . )

That's another thing - the Travis paintings on the walls are gone!!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

International Cat Day!

It's International Cat Day! AKA da day humans should be celebrating EVERYday if they knew what wuz good for em. I demanded EXTRA food and treats - hope all my pals did da same! Gotta keep dem slaves, uhhh, humans WE LOVE in line. MOL.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Mewsic Monday

Hey pals! Well, I'm back wif another edishun of Mewsic Monday - momma finally took a break from all da packing to let me do a music post. Da theme dis week are opposite word song titles. So, here goes . . 

Hello Goodbye by the Beatles.

Happy and Sad by Kacey Musgraves.

Hate That I Love You by Rihanna and Ne-Yo.

Much Too Young To Feel This Damn Old by Garth Brooks.

And Inside Out by Britney Spears. Ya knew my momma had to include a Britney, MOL. Kinley's got some more opposite titled-songs for ya.


Thursday, August 3, 2023

My Gotcha Day!

It's my Gotcha Day! 10 years ago today, my momma gotted me. Today I gotted a new bandana. And don't worry, I made shure to meow extra loud for plenty of treats!