Saturday, October 7, 2023

Caturday Art

Well, I'm sure as most of y'all know, we had some sad news in the Cat Blogosphere world. TW, of Stunning Keisha fame, has passed away. She will be very missed - momma will be making a donayshun to a rescue in her name, as "Pop" of Stunning Keisha has requested.

As for me? I'm doing good. Momma had another "work from home" day yesterday and I liked having her here. 

I really liked the bacon she cooked this morning. 

Here's today's Caturday Art - as ya can tell, we're getting into da Meowloween spirit!


  1. Yes it was so sad to hear about TW's passing. She will be deeply missed by so many.

    Glad you got some yummy bacon!🥓

    1. i kept meowing at momma while it wuz cooking, MOL.

  2. It was very sad to hear of TW's passing. She has been a friend through blogging for many years.
    Your art is lovely, and I am glad you enjoyed the bacon.

  3. Sad about Pattie. I am glad you got bacon. XO

  4. Yes, the art today definitely shows the Halloween spirit.
    Glad you got some bacon.

  5. Looking epically epic as always dude, and furbulous art too!

  6. That was very sad about TW. Mum has made a donation too. Love your pics and art as always!

  7. Mee-yow Traviss wee are still inn shock over THE passin of TW....wee are sad.....thanxfullee Popss iss there to take care of Stunning Keisha....butt it will bee sad with TW there.
    You are lookin mitey fine inn yore bandanass. An yore Meowmy'ss art iss furabuluss this week!
    **nose kissess** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

    1. We know Pop and CK are both gonna miss her tons.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.