Saturday, October 14, 2023

Caturday Art

Hey pals!

Well, I has been having a pretty good weekend.

I successfully raided da cabinet, stole the Temptations bag, and ate them ALL! But now we are out of cat treats and momma refuses to make a speshul run to the store. Oh well, still worth it.

I also got some bacon today after momma got done watching da Ring of Fire eclipse thing.

I'd be more interested in a ring of shrimp. Or bacon. Or bacon wrapped shrimp . . . 

Today's Caturday art are a lil spooky . . . Frankenkitty!


  1. Good work on the treats, Travis! Great Halloween art too.

  2. Lovely sketch. Glad you got to enjoy your treats!

  3. You stole the Temptations bag from the cabinet?! Wow, that must have been some Commando raid! Well done!

  4. MOL Angel Raz was good at that. We want a ring of bacon wrapped shrimp now.

  5. Whoa, Travis!! Good haul!
    Hope you didn't get a belly ache.

    A ring of bacon surrounded by another one of shrimp would be great for us pups as well!

    1. I seem to be fine (except missing my treats today).

  6. MOL! You must have a full belly now, Travis!

  7. WOW, you've sure been busy handsome dude. Thank you so much for your kind words on the passing of our dear Brian. We all sincerely appreciate your kindness.

    Dad Terry

    1. We were so sad to read about it - he'll be very missed.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.