Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy Mew Year!

Happy Mew Year!  We're all sick of 2016 - it wuz not a good year round here, what wif Whitley leavin us for dat big swimmin pool in da sky.  

Yeah, Crockett has it right, 2016 deserves a big razzberry!  At least we ended it on a high note - we finally got some bacon!

We would come up wif resolushuns, but since we is cats, we is already pretty much purrfect.

So here are some resolushuns for da udder family members.

1.  Kinley - stop chasing cats.  Seriously.  It's not fun, we don't like it, and we have claws and know how to use em.
2.  Brinley - cut out the eggsessive barkin.   It's annoyin.  My endless meowin should be da background noise around here.
3.  Finley - try sharin treats wif da cats.  Ya just might like it,
4.  Da mommas (and daddy) - more pets, more playtime, more treats, and most importantly - MORE BACON.  It really should be a daily thing.  Whaddya mean daily bacon duzn't go wif da gettin in shape resolshun ya already got??  Round are a shape ya know.  Besides, it's even better if ya don't eat da bacon - just make it for da cats!!

Happy 2017 y'all!

Thursday, December 29, 2016


For today's poetical Thursday, I's takin some inspurrayshun from my BFF and mancat furever buddy Crockett . . . he's a lil poem in his honor.


Yeah, he's known worldwide for his signature razzberry
Da friendliest cat, strangers don't make him wary
If ya look at his face real close ya just might spy
Dat he has a liddul bit of just one crossed eye
He's such a cool cat, even pups he'll tolerate
And he's just like me, he knows dat bacon are great
Sometimes he can run real fast, just like a rocket
I hope y'all enjoyed my poem bout Crockett

Not too shabby, if I says so myself.  Which I does.  Despite whut Angelique thinks . . .

She duzn't understand our bromance.  #nogirlsallowed

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Wellness Kittles From Chewy!

Hi y'all!  We gets to do our Chewy review today and we got to review some deelishus treats - it are almost like a bonus Catmas present!  Chewy sent us a package of Wellness Kittles Whitefish and Cranberries Cat Treats!

We wuz all ready to try em - I mean, who duzn't wanna get some bonus treats?

Even Angie posed nice wif em!

Da Wellness Kittles Whitefish and Cranberries treats are crunchy grain-free treats wif no meat by-products, corn, soy, or artifishul flavors, colors, or preservatives.  And real whitefish are da furst ingredient.

Dey also has chickpeas, potatoes, chicken meal, herring meal, cranberries, blueberries, chicken fat, natural flavors, ground flaxseed, salmon oil, rosemary extract, green tea extract, and spearmint extract.  Dey are made in da USA and each bag contains over 150 treats.

And at less than 2 calories per treat, we can eat plenty of em!

Look - da rarely spotted Angelique tongue!

Crockett wuz happy to get his treats too!

And I luved mine!

We's givin da Wellness Kittles Whitefish and Cranberries treats 12 paws up and happy kitty purrs!  We's definitely thankful Chewy sent us so much!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese tasty treats!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots all dese treats?  Are I right or are I right??

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Meowy Catmas!

Meowy Catmas everybody!!

We had a good Catmas - we got ham dis morning!!

And we had tons of fun playin in da boxes and paper!

And we got all kindsa pressies!

Toys, treats, and a bandana!!  Pawsome!

Hope y'all had a meowy Christmas too!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Meowy Catmas Eve!

Meowy Catmas Eve everybody!  We're all snuggled down on da back of da couch watching Christmas movies and hopin we can steal a lil bit of da eggnog later.

And we has been promised ham for brunch tomorrow - we can't wait!

Hope Santa Paws brings us some good stuff!  We deserve eggstra presents dis year for puttin up wif dem puppies.  Meowy Catmas and Happy Hanukkat to all of our pals!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Well, it's Thursday and we is back wif anudder poem . . . about out favorite thing!


I'm not lyin and I'm not fakin
Da most delishus food are bacon
I don't need no spoon, or knife or fork
Just gimme some of dat tasty pork
Give da cat a bite or two or three
Better yet, give da package to me!

Well, in udder news, da mommas has been runnin round like crazy gettin all da Christmas stuff ready - lots of shopping, wrapping, sewing, and baking!  We has just been waitin for our presents - we's been pretty good cats, no one has bothered da tree (well, I ate a lil of it, but WE didn't break any ornaments).  Unlike a certain D-O-G.  And no, it wuzn't even one of da puppies!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday Selfies

So da mommas has been real bizzee wif da Christmas stuff - Christmas shopping, Christmas cookies, Christmas present-making, Christmas dressin up da cats . . . 

So we got some more festive selfies for ya.

Crockett's even got a bit of Christmas tongue.

We thought we'd show off some of our decorayshuns today - dis is da living room.

Look, it's a herd of reindeers.

And some snowmens - I think dey'd be at home outside - it are definitely cold enuf!

Da mini tree.

And da mantle.

And den dere are dis elf dood who wuz sent to spy on da puppies - I fink chasin us puts dem on da NAUGHTY list for shures!

Us taunting them shouldn't have any effect on our permanent spots on da nice list, right?

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Antlers, by the Lone Star Cats

"All I need is a reindeer . . . " My momma looked around.
But since reindeer are scarce, there was none to be found.
Did that stop my momma?  No!  My momma simply said,
"If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead!"
So she grabbed her cats.  At least she skipped the thread,
Otherwise we would have guaranteed that she bled!

Wif apolojeez to Theodor Seuss Geisel, dat are our poetical attempt for today.  We missed out on da first round of poems, but we wanted to make shure to hop in dis time.  As ya can see, it wuz inspired by real life events.

Confesshun time:  I, Travis, actually liked wearin da antlers.  Crockett and Angelique, not so much.  But what can ya say, I really get into dis Christmas thing.