Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Crockett knows to give da peeples what dey wants in a selfie, and dat are tongue!!!

Yesterday I managed to steal some blueberry muffins.  See, Crockett's momma took da eggstra blueberry muffins from brunch and put dem in a ziploc baggie on da counter.  Den da mommas left to walk da dogs.  Well, I knocked da bag to da floor, ripped it open, and nibbled on a few muffins.  YUMMM.

Unfortunately da muffins are in da fridge now and dey didn't take any chances wif leavin da lemon coffee cake around.

Yesterday Angelique wuz tryin to fight da kitty in da glass.  Pawin at her own refleckshun.  She may be pretty and fluffy, but yeah, she's not eggsactly a genius.  Not like muffin-stealin me.


  1. Great selfies!
    Good that you got to nibble on those muffins before they were locked away Travis ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. The humans here know better than to leave anything involving food on the counter... Binga taught them that!

  3. Wow Travis, you are one smart kitty!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. Super selfies of you all. That really was a master stroke to get that bag down and open, shame about the fridge though. That lemon coffee cake sure does sound tempting, maybe next time you and Angelique could both work on getting the fridge door open?

  5. Stealing foods from the counter!!! Oh naughty kitties! We would have done the same thing! Haha!

  6. guys !!!! bloo berry muffinz !!! now yur talkin grate eatz !...hope de momma's "forgets" again & ya can help yur selves ta sum cake ☺☺♥♥♥

  7. Awww.. Bet that lemon cake would have been scrumptious. MOUSES!


  8. Travis, you and Levon would make a great team! :p Angelique, we bet you knew exactly who that reflection was didn't you?!...some times it's nice to entertain the humans , right sweetie?! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. Great selfies- you are correct, I love that tongue.

  10. Good counter surfing skills Dude! I counter surf but I don't have your mad "knocking muffins off the counter" and eating them skills! Well done! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  11. Good looking selfies! We rarely bother with "reflection kitty." As long as it doesn't try to steal our treats!

    1. I never bother with mine, but Angie really went after hers.

  12. hahahahaha!!! The French tart was fighting with her own refleckshun?????? I knew it ..... I just knew she was brain dead. Not like you, aye, Travis. Well done, mate, on the blueberry muffin stealin'. Shame it wasn't bacon they left out, aye??

  13. Sound like you had an eventful weekend thieving muffins and watching Angelique fight with herself!

  14. Angelique appears to be pretty upset about you disparaging her intelligence, Travis. High paw for stealing those muffins. And, of course, we are fans of "The Tongue." XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Yeah, well, she could try not peein outside my room.

  15. Great selfies of the three of you, Travis! way to score on the muffin! unfortunately our mom is becoming a faster learner when it comes to leaving food out. purrs,

    pip, smidge,minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  16. Years ago, Angel Groucho taught meowmy to not leave noms exposed to searching kitties!! You sure did score though. Too bad Angelique didn't score too high in the kitty fight, MOL!!

  17. Alright! Muffin-stealin' is a lot more fun than fighting a mirror reflection that's for sure. Good for you - were those boooooberries good Travis?

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. MOL You were so smart and quick to get the bag onto the floor and opened before your mom found out....very good. I'm thinking of starting a gang and with your talents you could be the master thief I'm looking for Crockett. Angelique....could be the beautiful gal with flowing fur that distracts da mark. MOL


    1. I'm da master thief, Crockett are just da apprentiss.

  19. Crockett, you are my hero! I love ripping open packages and biting into food.

    1. Hey, I want credit, I'm da one dat wuz eatin em, not Crockett.

  20. You kits look marvelous! We're sorry we haven't been around much. We'll try to make our Mom do better.

  21. They must have taste so good, Travis, my mouth is watering too...MOL.. Excellent Selfies again of all of you :) Triple Pawkisses :) <3

  22. Blueberry muffins are super food!! Yay you
    Hugs madi your bfff

  23. travis....dood.....pipo N minko toll uz bout yur birth day two day ...we iz stoppin bye with best fishes, happee day wishes & mice creem dishes ♫♪♫♪♫ ... a long with three perch pizza piez...N joy yur day & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ~~~~we iz out til monday…sew heerz two a Baikal oilfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  24. Sorry I am so late . Those blueberry muffins must have been good, sorry you got caught. I hear it is Travis' birthday- Happy Birthday! Hope you get some bacon.

  25. Happy, happy 3rd. birthday Travis you ole ginger cookie! Have a terrific year my friend.


  26. 3rd Birthday? Where did the time go??? Has it been so long!!!

  27. Great selfies. Sorry we are so late getting here. That is a great mini raspberry Crockett. Angelique, you sure look good and Travis that is a good one of your too.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.