Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Fanks for all da POTP and good thoughts for our woofie sisfur Whitley.  She are pretty much da same today - not doing good, but not doing any worse.

Us kittehs wuz doing good today - we finally got some bacon!  Well, eggcup for Angie who wuzn't around when da bacons wuz bein handed out.

Ya snooze, ya lose gurlfriend!

If ya wants to read more bout Whitley's day and how she are doing, ya can go look at her blog here.  I's been bein eggstra sweet to her at nite - last nite I even gave her a massage and made biskits on her back.  My momma has been leakin and makin all dese weird noises at nite, she's had Whitley since she wuz 15 and dey has literally been all over da country together.  For some reason, my meyowlin didn't make my momma feel better, but she did seem to like da headbonks.  I thinks I's gonna be a busy kitteh givin out a LOT of headbonks.


  1. Keep comforting. We kittehs do that well an its impawtant!

  2. I'm so sad for Westley and your human. :-( Purring lots for them both.

  3. Hope Whitely feels better soon,love your pink tongue,xx Speedy

  4. Keep up those head bonks, Travis! We will be sending soothing POTP to Whitley and your Mama!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

  5. We are so sorry guys and Angie. It's terrible when a member of the family is sick...Woofie or meowy. POTP to Whitely and all the family. This is so hard and your mom is going to need you three all the more to help her and Whitley get through this.

    Purrin' for my buddies.

    Shoko and Kali

  6. guys....we haz 984 paws crossed for whitley....we noe her momma iz troo lee sad.....itz knot eazee....we noe....we send de best oh de best frum R pal st francis & heerz hopin two morrowz a grate day....for everee one ♥♥♥

  7. We think that's the most we have seen of Crockett's tongue. If he sticks it out any further, he's likely to step on it. MOL! We are sorry Whitley is doing poorly. We're going to go see her now and give her some purrs and POTP. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Yeah, he wuz full razz today. I think he wuz tryin to cheer da peeps up.

  8. You all are lookin' gawjus Travis. We's may be behind in visitin' with ya' but we's been purrayin' hard fur ya'll and specially Whitley. Sendin' more and big hugs too.

    Luv ya'


  9. Great selfies. We continue to purr for Whitley.

  10. Awww, purrs for Whitely - and Crockett dood, ya got it goin' there, we see!

  11. So worried about your Whitley.....sure would be nice if a miracle happened and she was alright. We'll be hoping and purrrraying and sending POTP though. I'm glad you got some bacon to get you through the tough times though Travis.

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Yeah, bacon helps everything - at least for da moment.

  12. We are happy Whitley's not any worse and will keep the purrin' factory operating for Whitely.

    As far as Angie goes...there are some kitehs like me who don't care for bacon all that much. Kali loves ham and bacon but I think of my friend Bacon and just can't eat it.


    1. Angie likes it, she just missed out. Ya got to be in da kitchen to get it!

  13. Angie missed out on the bacon? Awww... MOUSES!


    PS. Sending healing purrs for Whitley, as we speak. purrs

  14. Purrs in abundance fur your beloved doggy sisfur, Whitley.

    And Travis you are so sweet to give out those headbonks. Keep it up, you know they really do help your Momma feel better a bit.
    Angie looks like she slept in, MOL!! And that tongue, OMC!!

    1. Yeah, I's been tryin by being eggstra sweet at nite.

  15. Love your selfies. So sorry to hear about Whitley. Will visit her blog now.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. Boyz, we think there may be a catspiracy going on , on account Angie is always missing out on the bacon rations...did you want to fess up?!!

    And Travis, you keep a close eye on your Mama. She needs all your extra love, sweetie.:)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. MOL, I swear it has nuffin to do wif us closin da door to her bedroom. NUFFIN!

  17. You are so sweet for your mommy. Headbonks are the best for showing your loves. Your Selfies are magnificent as ever. *sticks tongue out* and sends Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.