Friday, July 8, 2016

Flower Friday

Hey y'all.  It's a sad day here in Dallas.  Last nite, snipers attacked police officers at a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Dallas.  So far, 5 police officers have died.  Really sad, and we are so sad dis happened in our hometown.

Crockett's givin a lil razz in honor of da fallen officers.  Plus, a lil bit of kitty tongue cheers everyone up, right?

So we's showin our flowers.  Nuffin like flowers to make ya feel better.  Well, besides bacon.  And sossidge (which are comin later tonite).

My momma has been diggin all kindsa stuff up in da garden.  She says she feels like one of da Seven Dwarves.

I'll be nice and not say dat she are probably Dopey.  Oops, I just said it.  ;)  She just wishes she could find diamonds instead of roots and worms.  Hey, I dunno, a worm mite be fun to play wif.   Anyways, here are our flowers . . . 

Hope everyone has a good weekend and dat dere are no more craziness in da world.


  1. What beautiful flowers! We'll spend time looking at them and offering purrs to all in your city.

  2. Those are some gorgeous flowers for sure. It is just awful what has happened in your city. Sending lots of hugs to all the families. Thanks Crockett for the Raspberry.

  3. My human and I were sad about the terrible events in Dallas too. We wish all the hated would stop. :-( I think we need some pretty flowers to look at today.

  4. Ma and I were watchin' the TeeVee's and couldn't believes it. I was thinkin' of you guys, and what your city must be feeling this morning. I'm with Summer, we wish the hate would stop. Love is always the and margaritas...☺
    Thank you for the purty flowers and the tongue...hehehe
    Ruby ♥

    1. Well, Dallas does do margaritas pretty good. ;)

  5. Hari OM
    Oh my darlings, I just found you and on this very day... sad sad and thrice times sad for all who are effected by events; which is really the whole world, truth be known. Your flowers are BEAUTIFUL beyond words and are truly a balm to the eye and heart. (Sorry it took me so long to figure out you were 'related' to angel Whitney and Finley!) Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Yes, there have been some terrible things going on in the human world lately! Why can't everybody just get along??!!!

    The flowers are spectacular!

  7. We are Ashamed of what some Peeps do.

    Your beautiful flowers lightened out mood. Thanks

  8. We're sending lots of purrs for the people in Dallas. Your flowers are very pretty.

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those officers. That is so sad.

  10. Such a sad day for all mankind! We heard about this atrocity up here and feel for all people in Dallas and the families of these brave men and women. That's all I can say without breaking down so I will talk of your beautiful flowers. You are so far ahead of us! We have a cornflower like you but ours is not out yet. Our lilies have started blooming also. My favourite flower is phlox but it hasn't started blooming yet...just about though.

    Big hugs,


    1. Yeah, we are ahead of a lotta people - guess when it's 100+, you're gonna be.

  11. Thank you for sharing those pretty flowers with us on such a sad day. Purrs to all those in Dallas affected by this terrible event.

  12. We were sickened when we heard about it. The news reports are full of such madness! We found your post cheering.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Those are some very pretty flowers. We are sending healing vibes to the good people of Dallas. Shall they never see such a wicked day again

  14. We recognize hibiscus, lilies, and coneflower, but the rest are bootiful too!

    1. There's also althaeas, gladiolus, and a siam tulip.

  15. TW thinks the flower pics are gorgeous. She sees lots of ones like she used to grow. Along with what Mark's Mews said, are those rose of sharon and columbines too?

    So sad about what happened in your hometown. There are such evil people who feel two wrongs make a right.

    1. Nope, we don't have any of those. Yet. Crockett's momma wants to get some columbines.

  16. What pawesome flowers this week. Thanks for sharing them n Flower Friday!

    They really do help bring a bit of brightness to a sad day...
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. Such a sad thing in Dallas.....we're happy to see such beautiful flowers on an otherwise sad and gray day. Sending you all lots of hugs!

    Love, Sammy

  18. You all have a beautiful garden and I am so glad your momma goes out there to tend to it. You three are among the most beautiful of "flowers" though. xoxo
    Katie Isabella and Mom

    1. Yeah, and da only diggin she has to do for us are cleanin da litter box!

  19. You have so many lovely and very colorful flowers.

  20. We're sad to hear the news but your colourful pretty flowers made our day!

    Momo & Pinot xo

  21. We're sad for the people in Dallas. We're glad you showed us your beautiful and colorful flowers today ! Purrs

  22. Sending flowers on such an awful day is a pawesome thing to do!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.