Friday, July 1, 2016

Flower Friday

Are dose kitteh treats I see in your hand momma?  Has I menshuned how much I luvs ya lately??

Anyways, da mommas has been runnin round like chikkens wif dere heads cut off gettin stuff all ready for Dubble Trubble.  Which means ordering new things and diggin up da backyard for some reason (somefin bout makin a nice grassy space for Dubble Trubble to hang out in da shade - don't ask me since I'm stuck inside).

We're just hopin Dubble Trubble means we get Dubble Treats as payment for puttin up wif it all.

Anyways, we gots lotsa stuff bloomin here still - so here are da flower pawrade.

Today are also our woofie sisfur Finley's Gotcha Day - da peeps has had her for 10 years now!  A decade of Finley!

I fink dis calls for eggstra sossidge tonite - whaddya say Finn?


  1. Happy GOTCHA Finley! Double digits! Fur some reason our reader is not showing us your posts! We are excited for Dubble Trubble!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. We hope you are enjoying your quiet kittehs...cause we thinking the Dubble Trubbles are going to make things topsy turvy for awhile!!

    Such beautimous Texas blooms this week!! Thanks for sharing them on Flower Friday!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. Some of da peeps are gonna have to learn bout keepin dere shoes up, dat's for shure!

  3. Wonderful pictures of your flowers ! Happy Gotcha Day to Finley ! Purrs

  4. You have such beautiful flowers! We didn't know there were so many different kinds of cone flowers. Happy Gotcha Day Finley!

    1. Yeah, we has tons - da red violet ones, red ones, orange ones, hot pink ones, yellow ones . . .

  5. Double Trouble should mean double the treats, for sure!


  6. guys.....double trubull shuld meen twice double sew yur lookin at 78 treetz...EACH !!!! yur gardinz lookin total lee awesum...R 'z izza sorree state coz oh de funkee winter spring bass terd chippeez ~~~~~~

    N heerz two a flagfin happee 4th kinda week oh end....see ya twooz day ♥♥♥ ree serve yur spots now for UTB !!! ♥♥♥

  7. Happy 10th Gotcha Day Finley!!! Ge sure to get spoiled lots!
    Those flowers are SO pretty!
    Almost as good looking as you kitties ';)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. Happy gotcha day to Finley! I have (almost) no idea what to expect when your humans return... should be interesting to see who they bring with them!

    1. Yeah, I are still not eggsactly shure what are goin on.

  9. Yep .... extra sossidge and ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Gotcha day Finley!!!!
    See all those pretty blooms in your pitchurs?????? Just sayin' but I hope they survive dubble trubble!!!! I hear they like diggin' ..... a LOT!!!!!!!!

    1. My momma said maybe den dey can get to work on diggin up da parts of da garden dat da mommas want dug up - dey could earn dere kibble!

  10. Beautiful flowers, the photos would make nice cards. And you all look great.

  11. Your garden must be something with all those pretty flowers. Maybe Double Trouble will dig in there. ;)

    Happy Gotcha Day to Finley!

  12. Happy Gotcha Day, Finley. Hope you all get extra sausage tonight. Lovely flowers.

  13. Happy Gotcha day Sweet Finley! Maybe one of your birthday gifts can be the double they call Trouble!;p
    We can't wait to meet those two :)
    We love all the shades of pink in the flowers!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. OMD!!!! FINELY, GURL, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!!!! WoooHoo!! Kitteh's, I am SURE your Moms will give you extra treaties for puttin' up with the Double Trouble!!! I am too excited to reads all abouts them, and how you guys fare!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: PURTY flowers!!!

    1. Luckily, we has claws so we can take care of anything. MOL!

  15. Dubble Trubble doesn't sound good. Hope they're not into eating flowers...

  16. Lovely "High biscuits" flowers and daylilies too! Happy 10th gotcha day to Finley!

  17. Oh what pretty flowers as always! I do hope that you got extra sossidge to celebrate Finley's GOTCHA....that would only be FAIR after all!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. appropriate to have your 10th Gotcha day on flower day too. 'Cause I know you are the favorite flower there.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  19. your flowers are beautiful, Travis! happy belated gotcha day wishes, Finley! we hope everybuddy had double treats and sossidge :)

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  20. How beautiful! We have some of those purple coneflowers in our hard, but Mom says I can't eat them.

    Abby Lab

    1. My momma are always tellin me not to eat plants.

  21. Lovely blooms once again!!
    Double treats fur Double Trouble sounds good to us!! Fair is fair!

    And we are late, but Happy Gotcha Day to Finley!! (belatedly...)


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.