Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Hey y'all, we is back for Sunday Selfies dis week.  We's all gettin more and more used to Dubble Trubble, which are good since it seems like dey is gonna be stayin here.

Luckily, dey's confined to da kitchen so we get right outside da baby gate and taunt em.  Fun times.

I think Crockett are givin his opinion of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.  MOL!

Some of y'all have asked to see em - well, dey has dere own blogs (Brinley and Finley and Kinley) and my momma even set up a Facebook page for em, but I thought I'd be gin-or-us and allow a couple of pictures of em on here too.  Hopefully, it will encourage my momma to be gin-or-us wif some treats.

I call dis one Tweedle Dee.  Crockett has to share his momma wif her and Finley.

Dis are Tweedle Dum and I are forced to share my room wif it.  At least it has to sleep in a cage (which it has delooded itself into finkin are a Pink Puppy Princess Palace.)  Uh, ok.  Momma says she won't be in da cage furever, but fur now at least I don't gotta share my bed wif it.


  1. Super selfies. Glad that Double Trouble have their own area. I bet it is fun to taunt them.

  2. We can certainly see why it might look like they are running things BUTT yous will have to be the voices of reason!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Pawsome selfies!
    While we think Double Trouble are kinda cute
    we purr you will be able to share your mum's bed Travis!
    Woofies may be strange bedmates :/
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. What! a puppy with a Pink Princess Palace, I never heard the like! least she is safe in her cage, and doesn't have bed sharing rights! Lovely selfies of you guys. purrs ERin

  5. Don't taunt too much 'cause one of these days that baby gate is going to be open...just sayin'.

  6. Great selfies from all of you, even from Dubble Trubble too.

  7. Um, yeah, I didn't exactly think those two were ever going back to Ohio! MOL

  8. Oh Travis you all are lookin' gawjus as always. It's funny how those intruders show up and our mommy's 'spect us to just get along, huh

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  9. Oh how cute they are! Not as cute as you guys, though.

  10. You're all looking adorable as always, and how exciting that the pups are getting their own blogs and social media pages!

    1. I just wanna know why I don't have a Facebook page yet.

  11. They are such cuties! Good job on taunting! I love to do that to Dakota too! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  12. IT ... Travis, you called tweedle Dum IT???? Crikey mate .... Just remember you WILL have to share your bed with IT one day and you'll be expected to keep your hissin' spittin' and claws to yourself!
    You're all looking mighty good today, considering the trying week you've had, aye?

    1. I's been keepin my claws to myself. So far anyways.

  13. OMD/OMC! Sounds like you kittehs have your paws full!!! I thinks you should enjoy your Moms bed for nows, cause I am sure you will have a white ball of furs sharin' it with you soon....☺
    Oh, and your selfies are just STUPENDOUS!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are really cute...but we're glad they live with you guys and not with us! :). Glad you guys are getting along so far.

  15. SQUEEEE....we love your selfies!! Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are sooo cute!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. They are very cute :) I am sure you will all be one big happy family soon. You all look great too.

  17. What a busy day you must be having!

  18. Wilhelmina was corded off to the kitchen until she was potty trained too.We jumped over the babygates just to watched her incredulous expression at being stuck behind them. We also called her an it . ;p

    the cats of the critters in the cottage xo

  19. Such a great group of selfies!! We think it was VERY nice of you to share Dee and Dum's photos. That is definitely worth some extra bacon this week!

  20. Great selfies gang! Your "gang" is growing isn't it. I have to say the pups are adorable but of course not as adorable as you cats are. Tee Hee.....I think you will have them totally trained very soon!

    Love, Sammy

  21. You definitely deserve extra treats for sharing your post with them. They are kinda cute though...

  22. A few Raspberries going on there I think...Hehehe,xx Speedy

  23. can you hear us smiling? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweetness abounds
    Hugs madi your bfff

    1. Yeah, cuz ya don't have to put up wif Dubble Trubble.

  24. Your Selfies are all amazingly cute today, even of the Tweedly Dee and Dum, but I think they were made under your supervision ;) Pawkisses for a wonderful.. sharing day :) <3

  25. Cute! And good for you for being nice to double trouble. I know it isn't easy.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  26. How sweet of you to share your blog post with Double Trouble.

  27. Looks like they're stayin', huh? Yeah, probably best to all get along then, for sure.


    1. Yeah, I don't think dey are gonna get returned.

  28. Excellent selfies from everyone. It was very kind of you to allow the puppies some face time on your blog. I'm sure that will earn you some extra bacon bits.

  29. Love the selfies and thank you for the smiles for me and mom this morning by reading the blog. You ALL rock.

  30. You kitties learned fast that its fun to jump over the gate and back again to do your puppy teasing work...MOL! Or sit just out of reach....or walk past and wave your tail, etc

    Nice selfies, including that raspberry.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.