Thursday, April 30, 2020

National Tabby Day!

It's National Tabby Day! Finally, a day devoted to the wonderfulness of us tabbies! And we are wearing our celestial bandanas to celebrate - becuz after all, the sun, the moon, and the stars all revolve us tabbies!

Bowie seems a lil surprised to find out we had a whole day. Either that or he saw a bird out the window . . . 

Angelique said that it wuz appropriate the April started wif April Fool's and ended wif Tabby Day and somefin about bookends. I think somebody's jealous!!


Monday, April 27, 2020

Mewsic Monday

Hey pals! Well, we're wearing another one of the new bandanas Bowie's momma made us - it's a cute retro sweet shop!

Well, candy might be dandy but bacon is what ya need to be makin! Speakin of bacon, da mommas went to Central Market today and they were OUT of dere favorite maple bacon! And momma said "no" to buying the regular bacon since she likes the maple bestest. OMC, the horrors!  The pork shortage must be real and everyone musta hoarded all of our favorite bacon! Only 2 and a half pounds of bacon in the house. It's getting dangerously low!! 😂 

Ok, maybe not. Well, now for the MUSIC part of Mewsic Monday. The theme this week are Angels. So we are letting Angelique introduce the songs (see what we did there, MOL MOL).

A classic by Willie.

Ten Thousand Angels by Mindy McCready. 90s country. There's lotsa country songs featuring angels.

But it's not all country songs. Here's one from Lady Gaga's last album (her new one has been delayed due to COVID 😭).

Beyonce's right. People aren't angels. Becuz they aren't cats. 😂😂

And we're ending wif a classic by Charley Pride. We hope ya enjoyed the tunes, even if you're like my momma and not so angelic. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Selfies

So the birthday-palooza of da few days are over. So no bacon or anything all dat speshul today, just back to normal at the casa de Lone Star Cats. 

But maybe ya noticed our new bandanas. See the dogs got new dresses for their birthdays, and Bowie's momma made us matching bandanas. They've got this celestial theme - stars, the moon, and the sun.  

Now, here's where we wish we could talk about some cool cat constellation, but there isn't one. Ugh. There's DOG constellations, but no cat ones. We do have lion constellation at least. And there used to be a cat constellation, but some snotty astronomers were apparently cat haters. Hisses! 

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Happy Birthday Brinley!

Another day, another dog birthday! Today it are Brinley's fourth birthday!

Brinley is the less crazy of the two young pups. Well, unless it's 2 AM and there's windshield wipers on the TV. MOL!

She's "technically" Bowie's sister, but since we all live together, she's everyone's sister. Well, she's actually Kinley's cousin if ya wanna get into genetics . . . But we prefur getting into bacon, which we got this morning since it wuz her birthday! And we're all getting STEAK for dinner!

So happy birthday Brinley!

Now we gotta wait almost a whole month for another birthday . . .  

Friday, April 24, 2020

Flower Friday

Well, we had a break in dog birthdays today, which meant no bacon today. 

But tomorrow are Brinley's birthday and we heard there are gonna be bacon AGAIN! And steak!

I guess it's worth keeping those dogs around if we get to celebrate their birthdays in such delicious style . . . 

Ok, it are also Flower Friday, so we are showing ya some more of the irises that were blooming today.

As ya can tell, we have A LOT.

This one below are in the Jezebel Memorial Garden.

And this pink one are in Whitley's Memorial Garden.

Yeah, there's only a bazillion more too. MOL!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Happy Birthday Kinley!

Well, today is 4th Kinley's birthday. She had a pretty good birthday (and best of all, we ALL got bacon this morning to celebrate.

She's a lil crazy sometimes, I mean she is a DOG, but she is a pretty sweet one. She likes us kitties a lot.

Her and Bowie have some kinda strange interspecies relayshunship going on. I don't even wanna know.

Anyways, happy birthday Kinley. And be shure to share your birthday dinner wif your favorite felines.   

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Cats in Quarantine

Another day of quarantine, another new bandana to model. 

Now momma knows how we feel. Stuck inside, wanting to get out and KILL something.

She hasn't started hunting lizards yet, but she did seem to really enjoy killing that mayfly that got in the house the other day . . . 

Some of y'all have asked how Finley is doing. She's doing really well - her hip is still in place and she's moving better all the time. She still has to be on restricted activity for the rest of the month, but it seems like it is healing well.

Tonite there wuz pork!

We've heard some alarming rumors about a pork shortage - da mommas better get to the grocery store and make shure the hoarders don't grab up our bacon!

After all, there's cats that need it!