Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday Selfie

Hey pals! Well, I had a pretty good weekend. No more intruders for one thing and I got BACON on Caturday. YUM! I watched football wif momma yesterday and I kept her company while she did job applicayshuns. Yeah, I know what you are thinkin - didn't she just start a new job?? And yeah, she did. But it are a visiting assistant professorship (VAP) and last for one year. And law professors go "on the market" in August. So yeah, it are job search time again.

I'm happy I have tenure in my job of Boss Cat. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Not-Fraidy Friday!


So we had somefin VERY SCARY happen here today. A STRANGER came into da apartment. Momma says he wuz just here to fix da garage door and dat I didn't need to hide for hours about it.

I wuz NOT hiding. I wuz scopin' out places for YOU to hide from da weirdo you let into da apartment. Ya really should be thankin me. I are not a fraidy cat, I are just lookin out for you momma!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Well, I think I has found a good spot for selfies - da kitchen island! Yeah, it are also a good spot for beggin food, MOL.

Wait, I has a dispatch from Dallas! Ok, Plano.

I guess Bowie and Angelique are somehow making it wifout me around.

Yeah, me and momma miss them. 

How could ya not miss that face??

It are a lil weird to be da only cat. But maybe someday when momma FINALLY gets paid it'll be worth it. Of course it would help if she could get someone to publish her article since she needs to secure a job for next year. I KNEW she should have mentioned cats in it!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Feline Friday


Well, momma made it through her first week at her new job. And she still has it, so that are good. Even da professor next door wuzn't too fond of her volume on today's zoom call. MOL. 

So maybe she can stay here and do her zoom calls from da apartment and I can go viral as da law professor cat. Or at least get some bacon since I got cheated outta sossidge tonite since momma made a CHEESE only pizza.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Momma's New Job


So momma started her new job today. And she still has her job tonite, so I guess she did ok, MOL. Just as long as she starts bringin home dat bacon. And TikiCat. And yes, I did get a new bandana to celebrate, so ya can figger out where she are a visiting professor if ya know your school logos. She even has her own big office - I think she needs a few photos of yours truly in there, don't you??

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Selfie


So dis morning I wuz doing my Head of Apartment Ranch Security and I found a suspishus hidey hole on top of da fridge and under da cabinets behind a basket filled wif coffee pods. I MIGHT have briefly rested my eyes while I wuz investimagatin, but really, momma overreacted by pulling me down and saying how worried she wuz she couldn't find me. Maybe she just shoulda started makin da bacon quicker. 

Oh and if you're missin selfies of Bowie and Angelique, they'll still be appearing on da blog some. Both of dere mommas have da log-in info and my momma will probably be postin some pics they send her for things like Wordless Wednesdays and Sunday Selfies.  

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Well, This is DIFFERENT


Hey pals, well, maybe you've been wondering what happened to us.

Well, nuffin much happened to Bowie and Angelique.

They got to stay at home and chill wif Angelique's momma and Bowie's daddy. 

But ME? I got loaded up in a crate and den I had to go for da world's longest car ride. I cuz quiet da whole time though. No singing da song of my people or nuffin.

After like 5 million hours, we arrived.

To this weird empty house. Momma says it are called an apartment and it are gonna be my new home??

The next day there were STRANGERS here. But they brought furniture.

I wuz really freaked out at first - I mean, I had to check behind da toilet and da washing machine for monsters and stuff. To protect da ladies, namely my momma and grandma and ok, da dog. Becuz I are a real tuff dude who had to check out all dat stuff. 

Then a new cat tree came out and I figured I better inspect that.

And then a taco truck and a cactus cat scratcher appeared.

Ok, maybe this won't be TOO bad.

But I miss Bowie and Angelique. And that crazy DOG thinks I wanna play. 

So life has changed a LOT, but there is still TikiCat and I heard momma promising me bacon tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

My Gotcha Day


So today are my Gotcha Day. Eight years ago, my momma adopted me from da Petco. You'd think such a momentous IMPORTANT day would be celebrated. Wif bacon.

OKAY Angelique, bacon and nip. That girl is a total niphead.

I probably would have even been nice and let Bowie have some.

But NO, my day wuzn't celebrated. Instead, these weird dudes showed up and I got closed in grandma and grandpa's bedroom. Wif Bowie. And the DOGS! Ugh, that are no way to celebrate. And these dudes STOLE most of my stuff!!! 

It are weird, they stole the sunroom couch, they stole that extra mattress that appeared in the living room a couple of weeks ago, they stole chairs, they stole the boxes we'd been playing in.

This is not how a Gotcha Day should be celebrated.

I mean, look. Here I are on my Gotcha Day eight years ago. Dis tiny lil dude deserves a better Gotcha Day than this.

Sunday, August 1, 2021