Friday, August 19, 2022

Flower Friday

Hey pals. Well, it has been kinda boring around here - at least for me. Momma are getting ready to start classes, so she has been trying to do class prep while applying for jobs. Oh, and her first article are now officially published (another one has been accepted for publication). And she are supposed to be on a streaming news program talking about some kinda boring law stuff. YAWN. Just as long as she remembers tomorrow are Bacon Caturday. She better remember da important stuff. 

Here are some of da flowers dat are blooming round here. And by around here, I mean on da porch or in da house, MOL.

I can taste that bacon already . . . 


  1. Law stuff might be boring but it pays for your bacon! The flowers are lovely.

  2. Well done Mom getting published. And I love the flowers. Marjorie and Toulouse.

  3. Very pretty flowers Travis! Though you are most handsome ;)
    Purrs your mum gets a job she likes too!! She sounds like a smart lady :)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. I hope you got that bacon handsome Travs

  5. Glad Momma is ahead on the "publish or perish" track !

  6. Beautiful blooms. Congrats to your momma on getting articles published. XO


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.