Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Well, Crockett heard your demands and delivered da tongue today.  Either dat or he are givin a razzberry to all da rains.  I dunno, I think da rains deserve a razzberry.  No sun puddles for us today.

No bacon either. At least da mommas wuz talkin bout seafood enchiladas tonite so I's hopin for a shrimp or a crawfish.

Angelique are still doin pretty good - no more scary episodes from her.  We're all relieved bout dat one - probably Angie most of all!


  1. Yup, we would give a raspberry to the rain.
    We've had plenty of it and a few flurries as well!
    Hope you get some of those tasty noms tonight!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. What a cute little tongue! Glad Angelique is doing better!

  3. Sorry if we don't feel bad about the rain you're getting. We finally, finally, finally have some beautiful weather here! WOoooohooo! We do feel sad about you not getting any bacon, though.

  4. Great selfies- thanks for listening to your fans and giving us the razberry.

  5. Good news about Angie! I hope your sun puddles come back soon.

  6. Little Pink Tongue, Little Pink Tongue, Little Pink Tongue...

  7. I thinks we needs a Sun Dance 'round here... ya know, da op-oh-sit of a Rain Dance....

    Cuz I hates a wet canvas!!

  8. We are sure hoping you got some shrimpies or crabbies tonight!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  9. YAY! We saw the tongue :))) Sorry to read about Angelique! That must have been scary!! Sending purrs she's ok now xox

  10. Happy to hear Angie is better now...let's hope that's the last of that!! As for being baconless - I hope the Mommas have taken care of that little problem too. Did you get a shrimp or crawfish???

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Nope and nope. And we all got locked in da sunroom today!

  11. No bacon? No sunpuddles? MOUSES! How did it go on the shrimp front? Inquiring minds wanna know. Purrs, Seville.

  12. Oh my, the day doesn't sound to have started too good, no bacon is almost as bad as no cream! Mouses! Least you'll have fish for supper. Well I'm hoping so?

  13. I am SO glad Angelique is better. That was awful for her, but all of you. Worry and wondering what to do.

  14. Glad Angie still be doing OK and hope you got a seafood taco or enchilada.

  15. Great selfies! Shrimp is almost as good as bacon...almost.

  16. so glad Angelique is doing well!!! Wow do you believe this didn't come to my inbox til Monday evening? EEEK! catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. Yous all looks absolutely Fabulishious!!! Crockett, yous and your tongue! Mes LOVES it! And WHAT!?! NO BACON!!!!
    Mes hopes yous gotted shrimps.
    PS. Mes happy to hears Angelique is better

  18. guys....we hopes yur all aye oh kay & safe down ther.... coz we noe de weatherz vizshuz with a cap a tull Z......

    1. Yeah, it's been really bad down in Houston. We're outside of Dallas and we're ok, just soggy.

  19. Love your header. Very Classy kitty friends. The rain will help keep the forest fires low this summer. You guys and gal look terrific as ever,


  20. We are happy Angelique is now doing okay. We sure hope you are not where all the flooding has been! Thanks for hopping and also for giving us some tongue, Crockett. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Most of the flooding is around Houston and we're around Dallas, so we're ok. Just soggy.

  21. All your selfies are always so professional, even when the tongue is out :D Glad to hear that you are fine, Angelique <3 Pawkisses :) <3

  22. Glad Angie is doing so much better...and we sure hope you won't be needing any rescue with an ark...sheesh, what a lot of rain:(


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.