Friday, May 31, 2019

Flower Friday

Well, it's been a while since we've done a Flower Friday post. As ya might know, my grandma are a pawsome gardener. Right now it are daylilies dat are blooming in da backyard.

We has all kindsa colors.

Momma says they really make da backyard pretty.

This one are called Kansas Kitten. Gotta luv dat name!

But I'm parshul to da orange ones myself.

Hope ya liked seeing some of our flowers. We's been doing ok, both of us are soaking up all da attenshuns and luvs we can get.

And Angelique horked up a MASSIVE hairball today. Sometimes I are glad I has short hair.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Purrsday and a Scavenger Hunt!

Well, no tasty noms outta dat new smoker yet. But I did get some grilled salmons tonite, so Purrsday dinner wuz definitely tasty! 

And now we has some fun - we is purrticipating in the scavenger hunt pawty for our pal RaenaBelle! Just make a note of da answer the following question and attend da pawty at Deziz World on June 5th. You'll need to collect 7 answers from the 7 blogs purrticipating (links can be found at Deziz World) and list your 7 answers in the comments of the pawty post.

Our Question: Which cartoon cat starred with Tweety Bird?

By da way, my momma always wanted dat cat to eat Tweety. A Crazy Cat Lady in training I guess!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Happy Anniversary

Today it are our grandpa and grandma's annifursary!

Dey has been married a bajillion years or somefin. Ok, it are just 37. But it are still a LOT. 

Dey went out to eat - and did not bring back kitty bags!!! What da meow??? And dey got some nice presents - but none of em involved catnip. Weird, I know! One wuz a BBQ smoker, so maybe were will be some goodies coming outta there soon.

It are still tuff around here wifout Crockett. I miss him.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day. And a huge thank you to all those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us Americats safe.

Ok, we know they also kept the humans safely. But the main reason they did it musta been kitties, right?? And ya know what would really honor them momma . . . sharing your dinner wif us!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sunday Selfies

It feels kinda weird to be doing our Sunday Selfie without Crockett, but it feels kinda weird to be doing anything around here wifout Crockett.

We's all managing. Da mommas still miss him tons. And I miss him A LOT. 

I'm not eating like I used to - I'm eating enuf dat my pals don't gotta be worried, but it is less than I woulda. And I meow late at nite when I get sad. And I want a lot more pets - I got a lot of affeckshun from him, so I need it from da mommas now.

Angelique is being a good buddy. She hangs out wif me (we haven't had a single squabble) and she gives da mommas a lot of luv too.

But we still miss our orange guy. 

Da mommas had been planning on adding in anudder kitty either this year or next - so they could have Travis, Crockett, and Bowie (if ya don't know da reference, ya obviously ain't from Texas). Now I guess it'll just be me and Bowie when they get him.

Which will probably be sooner rather than later. Grandma misses having an orange boy of her own.

We both wore our picnic bandanas today - hopefully we'll get some of dat tasty Memorial Day food tomorrow. And hopefully momma will ackshually get back to letting me comment on my pals' blogs too (she promised!).

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Happy Birthday Finley!

Happy 13th birthday Finley! Yup, today are our woofie sister's 13th birthday!

It are still kinda tuff to feel like celebrating. We all are still missing Crockett - da momma keep thinking about him and I has been extra needy/affectionate - my momma thinks I am missing all da affeckshuns I got from him.

But ya only turn 13 once, so today we are tryin to concentrate on Finley and give her a fun day. She's a good pup - she luvs us kitties. She likes to snuggle wif us and keeps da crazy young pups in line.

We all had a tasty breakfast - I got some of da birthday bacon! And she has tons of presents (13 to be exact), and her momma are making her a cake and a steak for dinner. Hope I get a share of that too. Happy birthday Finley!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Mancat Alone

It are tuff being da onliest mancat in da house.

I are havin to be nice to Angelique! And da dawgs. YIKES! 

I are even havin to bury my own POOP! Dat's what I trained Crockett to do. Dat shit ain't right! Literally . . . 

I thought about telling Angelique dat cleaning are women's work, but uhhh, I like not being slashed.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday Selfies

This week, our pals at The Cat On My Head are dedicating the Sunday Selfie blog hop to Crockett.

His razzberry selfies were always popular and we know there are CCLs all over the world who are gonna miss his bleps. We know we are missing him so much. I are still not eating wif a full appetite like I should. And da mommas are still not really sleeping enuf. Angelique is still playing family therapy cat - she has really been so sweet trying to make shure everyone are ok. I know sometimes I can give her a hard time on here (what are big brofurs for if not a lil bit of teasin?), but she really has been a sweetheart.  

The two of us has been hanging out some too. I guess it isn't too bad to hang out wif a girl, and for now, it are just me and Crockett's daddy as da men of da house - we's outnumbered 2-7. Yikes! So I guess it are good I luv da ladies.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

For Crockett

How do you say goodbye to a best friend? I don't know, but I do know I are tired of having to do it. Furst I had to say goodbye to Jezebel, I only knew her for a few months but I really luved her. She had a nice long life. Then I had to say goodbye to Maurice. That one hurt. He wuz a young mancat and wuz so sick. I also had to say goodbye to a woofie friend (yes, they really can be friends), Whitley. But this one hurts the most.

Crockett wasn't an old cat, he had just turned five. He wuzn't sick, he was so healthy. His momma thought she had at least another decade wif him. He wuz my best friend, we were always together. Playing, grooming each other, just napping together. We were pretty much inseparable. 

From the moment he came home five years ago, I luved him. He thought I wuz his momma at furst, he even checked out my belly for some milk. But even though I couldn't be his purrsonal milk bar, he followed me everywhere.

He wuz such a happy and funny lil kitten.

Just look at that face, how could ya not be in luv. 

There wuz somefin about his fur, maybe it wuz that ticked quality, he glowed in the sun.

He luved everyone - me, Angelique, the mommas, his daddy, even those silly dogs. 

He wuz his momma's shadow and followed her everywhere.

Ya couldn't look at him and not smile. 

His razzberries made him famous in da Cat Blogosphere - whether it wuz porno tongue or church tongue, Crockett had a razz for ya.

We will miss him so much.

We're wearing orange in his honor today. Momma even made me and Angelique new orange bandanas.

Da mommas (and grandpa too!) are all dressed in orange today. 

Rest in peace sweet Crockett, we'll miss you. We'll never forget you. We luv you furever and ever.

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