Saturday, August 31, 2019

Caturday Art

Happy Caturday!

We all got our bacon this morning - YUM!!!

I got high yesterday - real high. Maybe Bowie is on to something wif sleepin in da kitchen towel basket. It are pretty soft and cozy. 

Coating the kitchen towels in orange cat fur are just a side-benefit!

Now, we're ready for some football!

Hook 'em horns! Even Bowie is sporting a Texas bandana today - and he seems to be tolerating it pretty good.

Oh yeah, da Caturday art. Another drawing from my momma. 

Happy Caturday!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Kitten Crazies

We has a case of da kitten crazies. Like trying to pounce on the crazy westie crazies. Like trying to eat the bread crazies (I can relate). Like thinking he are a cowboy and Angelique and I are his horses crazies. 

Uhhh, that's a hard no lil dude. Learn to respect your elders of receive the whapping of discliplines! 

Lil Bowie did share his cat treats wif me dis morning. All wuz good until da mommas made me back off saying I had already had my share. Ugh, don't they know my "share" are the whole bag??

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

Pee Ess - Bowie has Instagram now - he took over Crockett's old account and the new name is Bodacious Bowiecat so be sure to follow!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mewsic Monday

It's Mewsic Monday, but it's also Women's Equality Day - celebrating that 19th Amendment. So even though it are my blog, I'm handing the DJ duties off to Angelique.

After all, SOME of us orange guys are feminists. And ya don't wanna mess wif Angelique's claws. 

Trust me on this one Bowie. Anyways, here are Angelique's selections for Women's Equality Day (with her commentary).

At least there's no pay gap in treats around here.

Those bratty boys don't know how good they've got it. 

A brand new song with a similar theme from Taylor.

We've had it up to here!

A classic! And something some politicians need to remember.

Beyoncé has got it right again!

I'm a mother#$%ing woman!

No silly mancat better try to hold me down.

I'm proud of my bad reputation! This girl cat has CLAWS and knows how to use them! 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Selfies

It's Sunday, so it's selfie time.

Ok, we posed good. Now make wif da treats!

We could really go for some of dat grilled chikky . . .  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Caturday Art

Happy Caturday!

We had a pretty good Caturday- dere wuz bacon dis morning.

And there wuz fried chikken last nite.

I begged and begged grandma for some chikken, and she actually gave me some!

Ya don't gotta look dat surprised Angelique. Ya should know she's a soft touch.

Here's a tip Bowie - just beg for everything - ya never know what's gonna work.

Anyways, we're looking forward to some more good eats tomorrow.

Maybe I can get momma to thaw me some chikken livers. If I look real cute . . . 

Oh, and here are da art. Another cat drawing of da momma's. She finished the Brinley painting, she said a Bowie one might be next!

Happy Caturday!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tongue Out Tuesday

I had to let junior take da lead photo for today's post - I mean, when your tongue out game are dat strong . . .  

He earned it. 

Besides, he wuz da only tongue-out picture today.

I started a mewsic Monday post, but den da momma got distracted wit chikken wings and Toy Story. 

It are hard to find good help. 

Ok, we don't blame her too much. Chikken wings are pretty distracting. And if any of those toys had blinking lights or nip . . .  

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday Selfies

It's Sunday, so it's selfie time!

Bowie's becoming pretty good at selfies. I know ya can't tell from these photos, but he are ackshually a lil darker than me now. He started off paler, but now he's a shade darker. He's also more of a neutral tone and I'm a lil peachy. But he's getting bigger, so everyone has to look wif more than just a glance to know who's who.

Angelique is still out glam selfie queen - and she wuz eager to take her selfie today. She actually ran out to the kitchen and hopped up on the table to pose. The power of Temptations, MOL MOL.