Saturday, August 10, 2019

Caturday Art!

Happy Caturday! We have our Caturday Art ready to go today.

Angelique wuz artfully waiting for bacon. MOL.

Bowie got artsy in a sunspot!

We all got a lil bit of bacon this morning - YUM!

Bowie and me has been hanging out a lot this weekend - momma has even caught us in a cat pile a couple of times.

No cat pile wif Angelique yet.

Maybe if he'd stop trying to attack her tail . . . 

Or maybe not, MOL!

See dat monkey toy Bowie wuz snuggling wif? It wuz Crockett's favorite toy, so it wuz really sweet to see him enjoying it too.


  1. Meow mewo Bowie yore a credit to Crockett! Hee wuud bee so purroud of you fore beein a guud kitty boy an fore likin his monkey! Mee sumtimess snuggellss 'angel'Unkell Siddhartha's Chunky Monkey.
    Angelique you look superb!
    An Travis you look hansum inn yore Coco Cola bandana...
    MMM bacon...mee missess bacon. Now that LadyMeow has to not eat sirtain foodss bacon iss on THE list! FISHCAKESS!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  2. Terrific art gang and a kitty pile is a good thing!

  3. Excellent art! Kitty piles are fun. It's cool to see crockets favorite toy being loved.
    The Florida Furkids

  4. Does Bowie like bacon too? Lobe the posterized art. It's very becoming.

  5. That is sweet that Bowie likes Crockett's monkey. It is good that you are both enjoying a cat pile, but Angelique's expression says she won't be joining it any time soon.

  6. Cat piles are good - and so is loving Crockett's toy. Both are expurressions of sibling love. That is what Family is all about.

    Purrs to you all.

  7. We loved the artfully waiting for bacon, we would wait for bacon artfully if we thought we would actually get bacon.

  8. I tried some mussel the other day. I did not like it at all and threw it up immediately! Just give me some chicken and I am fine!

    Miss Oswin from NL

  9. I see Bowie's got the head tilt going. That makes the humans say squeeeeee!

  10. Great art and so lovely to see Bowie with Crockett's favourite toy :)

  11. I think Bowie is getting cuter every day!

  12. Aww, Bowie has such a cute head tilt. And it's sweet that he's snuggling Crockett's monkey. Hopefully Angelique's tail survives Bowie's kitten antics.

  13. Beautiful art. Glad you are getting along :)

  14. You all are just too darn adorable and the art is terrific. Seems as if Bowie is channeling Crockett. So happy he is fitting in. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  15. Love all the photos - the one of Bowie with Crockett's monkey made me very happy.....some things just carry on from one to another - a favorite and loved toy is one of the BESTEST!

    Hugs, Teddy

  16. Sweet babies, sweet art. Bowie with that monkey is the sweetest thing.

  17. Aww... I hope Bowie will take good care of that monkey for Crockett. I miss him. Hugs.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.