Monday, August 26, 2019

Mewsic Monday

It's Mewsic Monday, but it's also Women's Equality Day - celebrating that 19th Amendment. So even though it are my blog, I'm handing the DJ duties off to Angelique.

After all, SOME of us orange guys are feminists. And ya don't wanna mess wif Angelique's claws. 

Trust me on this one Bowie. Anyways, here are Angelique's selections for Women's Equality Day (with her commentary).

At least there's no pay gap in treats around here.

Those bratty boys don't know how good they've got it. 

A brand new song with a similar theme from Taylor.

We've had it up to here!

A classic! And something some politicians need to remember.

Beyoncé has got it right again!

I'm a mother#$%ing woman!

No silly mancat better try to hold me down.

I'm proud of my bad reputation! This girl cat has CLAWS and knows how to use them! 


  1. Leslie Gore is from my era....It's my party I'll cry if I want too. LOL
    Such a drama queen...
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. LSC,

    Great mewsic! I do remember Leslie Gore from my childhood but you shared some Joan Jett who rocked the 80s. Thanks for the sharing your amazing playlist with the 4M gang. Have a boogietastic week, my furriend!

  3. Fantastic playlist of girl-power songs.

  4. love the song selection-just the excuse i needed to dance around the house!

  5. @Summer - Thank you!
    @Brian - Thanks!
    @My Mind's Eye - More like I'll meow if I want to.
    @Cathy Kennedy - Fanks!
    @songbird's crazy world - Thank you!
    @pilch92 - Thanks!
    @The Indulged Furries - Thanks!
    @Pam and Teddy - Thanks Teddy!
    @Hairballs and Hissyfits - That's always a good thing!

  6. I am of that Lesley Gore generation; women today have no idea how revoluntionary that song was. Joan Jett is such a badass but, out of all of these, I loved the Beyonce "If I were a Boy" role-reversal for a day. It was awesome. I tend not to like Queen Bey's songs (what I've heard of them) but the song and the video were just perfect.

  7. LOVE your song choices, Angelique! Girl Power! :)


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.