Friday, May 8, 2020

Flower Friday

Well, we have some good news.

Da momma's went to Central Market today (AKA da store dat sells our favorite BACON) and they had it in stock! There's wuz a limit on 2 packages of bacon, but since my momma and Bowie's momma went together, they came home wif 4 packages of HEB maple bacon. 

So that threatened pork shortage won't be bothering us anytime soon.

I feel so relieved, it's like I can relax again and just nip out.

We're all doing good and healthy here now. So much better than last month!

And now it's time for some flowers . . . 

Iris season are almost over, but here are one of the last one.

The daylilies are starting to bloom.

They come in all different colors. 

The one below is one of momma's favorites. 

Have a good weekend!


  1. the peeps saw bacon today, too...but there was no chicken! And only a wee bit of beef. (We don't buy much that leaves more for the others, MOL!) Of course they did not go very early. A few days ago, *she* went at 7am, and there was plenty of everything!

    Beautiful flowers! But of course:)

    We are supposed to have a heavy freeze tonight down to 25F. Its already 31F. Brrr. This is May???

    1. Our meat is mostly in stock now - but back in March, ya couldn't find chicken or beef!

  2. That is good news that you are well stocked up with bacon.
    The flowers are pretty. The peachy colour is my favourite.

  3. Those are mighty pretty daylilies!!
    How wonderful that your bacon supply is secure!!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  4. We're sure glad you are all healthy again and that the Mamas hit the bacon jackpot! Those sure are pretty flowers!

  5. Those are beautiful flowers! I've never tried that brand, so I'll pick some up on my next Central Market bread run, thanks!

    1. Their jalapeño flavor are also pretty good, but the maple bacon is the GOAT.

  6. Good news all around. We are in NE Ohio but have friends who love HEB cat treats so much they order them or have friends ship them. So we are guessing their bacon is the best !

    1. We wish we had regular HEB stores here in DFW. Not yet.

  7. The flowers are lovely. and yeaaaa!! the bacon is plentiful again!

  8. That is great news! Beautiful blooms.

  9. OMC...HEB Maple bacon is day best!!!
    ....we sure do miss HEB.

    Beautiful Daylilies and Irises!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.