Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy Mew Year!


Happy Mew Year! As ya can see, we got a new New Year's hat to ring in da year in style.

Ok, it says "Yappy New Year" since apparently Petco duzn't know some cats (ok, probably just me) like to wear hats.

Bowie and Angelique weren't thrilled wif da hat and somehow I don't think it saying "Happy Mew Year" woulda changed their minds. But they wuz good sports and tolerated it for a few pictures.

My pals Peaches and Paprika made up a fun New Year's slideshow wif artsy photos of blogging kitties - and I'm in it! Hope y'all have a pawsome 2022!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

New Bandanas


Well, 2021 are winding down and da mommas just got back from da store wif all kindsa snacks for tomorrow! And wif da meatz and da cheeses, maybe dere are some stuff we can sneak a bite of.

But while we're waiting for da snacks to come outta hiding, we thought we'd show off our new bandanas my momma made us as Christmas presents. Dis side has strawberries on it.

And Bowie may finally be getting over his obsesshun wif da tree - he has not been getting in as much trouble for knocking ornaments da last couple days. MOL, of course he would wait until after Christmas.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Meowy Christmas!


Meowy Christmas y'all!

Santa Paws came!

Even for our resident bad boy, MOL!

And wow, did he deliver!

Our Secret Paws, the kitties at Books, Cooks, and Looks, really delivered! Look at all those Temptations and toys! WOW!

And Santa brought me tons of nip toys and a new bandana!

I guess I'm a millennial kitty since I are wasting all my time on avocado toast, MOL.

Yeah, I think Santa delivered da chronic.

Angelique also really scored.

So much nip and feathers!

And I guess Bowie's deal wif da elves paid off, because he got tons of toys too!

Hope your Christmas wuz as fun as ours.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Catmas Eve


'Twas the afternoon before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature wuz stirring, oh wait pretty much everyone are stirring. Well, not ACKSHUALLY stirring, but doing stuff kinda stirring. In fact, I think us cats are probably stirring the least. Probably cuz cat food don't need to be stirred.

Ok, apparently Angelique are not impressed wif my jokes. Geez, everyone's a critic. Let's look at some Christmas decorations instead - dis are our living room.

All ready for Santa to come visit! Hope he packs his shorts since Christmas Day are sposed to be in da 80s!

Well, we found out what wuz going on wif Bowie and da elves. Since he has been so naughty this year, he decided he wuz gonna help da elves be naughty too so they won't tell Santa on him! 

Hope they didn't drink it all, da mommas are gonna want some of that for nog.

Now we know where da Christmas cookies went.

He even got em dates?? OMC!

Snorting powdered sugar?? OMC, those elves know no bounds!

Meowy Catmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christmas Eve Eve


Happy Christmas Eve Eve.

Well, we are all waiting for Santa Paws to come.

Bowie better have some kind of a backup plan becuz those elf spies and threatening to tell Santa on him for smacking ornaments. Again. I heard him telling them to meet him in the sunroom tonite at midnight - I wonder what he are up to . . .

Well, since it are almost Christmas, I thought ya might wanna see some of our decorations this year. Today I'll be showing my momma's room here (and bathroom, MOL) and the outside lights.

They light up the alley and carport too.

Now for my momma's room (and bathroom!)

Meowy Catmas!