Saturday, April 3, 2021

Caturday Art


Well, it's Easter eve. 

Or more importantly, Bowie's birthday eve! As y'all might remember, he had a horrible birthday last year - he had to go to the emergency vet with what we are pretty shure wuz da COVID. 

Luckily everyone are healthy this year.

Da mommas has been super busy the last couple days getting everything ready for Easter.

And Bowie's birthday, MOL.

We've been helping out by providing entertainment via zoomies and LOUD demands for food.

I'm hoping we can get some  nip-filled eggs tomorrow!

Maybe Bowie will share his birthday nip . . . 

Anyways, for our Caturday Art contribushun, we thought we'd show some of the eggs da momma's made. 

My momma made this Bowie egg front and center.

And Bowie's momma are an Angelique egg. And ya see that handsome light orange egg back there - yup, it's a Travis egg!!


  1. Happy Easter! Your human is very creative with the eggs!

  2. Happy Easter to all of you! Those eggs look great.

  3. Those eggs are amazing. Eggcellent, in fact (mol). Happy Easter - and Happy Birthday, Bowie!

  4. We'll come back and make it official later on but Happy Birthday Bowie and Happy Easter from all of us!

  5. Yippie! Your eggs ROCK! Mom and Alex just dyes ours. Happy Easter! I hope you're surrounded by sunshine, flowers, chocolate, and family on this happy day.

  6. What beautiful eggs your Mamas made ! We wish Bowie a furry hoppy Purrthday and many more !

  7. Nice eggs, love the Bowie one. Happy Easter! XO

  8. Wow, those eggs are 'furtastic'!!
    Glad nobody is sick this year:)

    1. Us too. Last year, not only wuz Bowie sick, but Finley had also dislocated a hip.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.