Saturday, August 11, 2018

Caturday Art

Happy Caturday y'all!

We had a rainy Caturday here - which meant no sunpuddles for us.

Which yeah, we like sunpuddles, but I think my momma goes more nutso when it rains all da time.

Ok, maybe just MORE nutso.

Luckily for us, her cray cray didn't mean a lack of bacon - we got our bacon dis morning.

Along wif eggstra treats. Life are good. Oh, and she did anudder drawing today - dis one are of Purrince Siddhartha. A handsome black panther. 

Momma says she wants a black panther of her own someday. I are not shure if she means a kitty, Chadwick Boseman. MOL MOL!


  1. oh we loves Luna Pic too fur artsy photos... you all looks furry artsy today. and that drawing looks a lot like dear Purrince Siddhartha! -Katie Kat.

  2. Cool art, and a lovely drawing of Purrince Siddhartha.

  3. Wow, that is REALLY cool art today!

  4. VERY cool art effect - you all look all swirly and modern-artish! We also love your Mom's drawing of our buddy Siddhartha Henry the panther.

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Very colorful art this week, you guys. At least you got bacon, even if you didn't get sun puddles! :)

  6. HI guys! We're back to visiting friends - we missed you! Your momma did a wonderful drawing of the Prince.

  7. Great art and that drawing of Prince Siddhartha is purrfect!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  8. Your mama is quite talented with art stuff.
    My mom cannot draw a straight line with ruler.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. WOW! That is pawsome art!!!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  10. You are all works of art. And I love the sketch of Purrince Siddhartha. XO

  11. We really like this art. Especially the way that tongue still makes itself known.

  12. Wow, those are fantastic art pieces. Very dramatic.

  13. You three look dramatic but I hope you let Prince Siddarthha Henry know you did his picture. His mum is having a tough time....

  14. What kewl artwork Travis, Crockett an Angelique!!!! An thee drawin that yur Mumma did iss adoorabull...mee will frame it with Pizap an put it uppy on mee sidebar.....
    Pleeze tell yur Mumma "Fank you" frum mee!!!
    ***nose rubsss*** Purrince Siddhartha xXX

  15. Ya'll look like sweet tigers in your art! Imagine that! *Sweet*!!
    PS looks really good in that drawing:)


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.