Saturday, August 25, 2018

Caturday Art

Well, we has our Caturday Art today.

Angelique are lookin all miss-teary-us here - wonder what she are up to??

We wuz up to gettin our bacon dis morning, so we wuz happy kittehs.

And dere wuz lotsa sunpuddles to lie in today! And nippy toys to play wif!

So pretty good for a Caturday!

Momma has anudder sketch today for her Caturday Art . . . 

And da bestest news of all (well, besides da bacon) - momma ackshually started a painting and it are gonna be of ME! It's gonna be in her Cartoon Kitty style - she's done a number of kitty paintings, but it has been a while and I has never got one (Jezebel and Maurice did if ya remember dem). She'd been talkin for a while, but she finally stopped talking and ackshually started. Ok, she didn't stop talking, dat would be like me stopping meowin - NOT gonna happen. But she started painting - maybe in a week or two we'll have a Caturday painting for ya!


  1. Nice art! I never noticed it before, but Angelique kind of looks like a fluffier version of Cathy Keisha!

    1. Momma noticed that when she did a sketch of CK - their patterning is very similar.

  2. Bacon, sun puddles and nip....sounds purrfect to us!

    The Florida Furkids

  3. Lone Star mom is so very talented.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. That is a lovely sketch. I am looking forward to seeing your momma's painting.
    It's probably just as well you don't know what Angelique is thinking about.

    1. Yeah, it probably is plottin against me and Crockett.

  5. You all look lovely and we can't wait to see your mom's painting!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  6. We can't wait to see the finished painting! Glad you scored some yummy bacon today!

  7. WoW! A Painting!?!? Mom has not touched to one of Queen Penelope since before she broke her shoulder. I can't wait to see your Mom's painting.
    You all look so fabulishious today and BACON....I am really jealous. We've not had any in a long time.

  8. My eyes have been watery, too, 'cause I have allergies. Maybe Angelique has allergies, too? That is so-o exciting that your momma is going to paint a picture of you, Travis! She could enter it in next year's county fair, too! Maybe you can convince my mom to do a watercolor portrait of me. She did one of the doggie several years ago that is hanging in Dad's office at work. Purr purr purr.

    1. Crockett's momma duz watercolors too - she are REALLY good. Much better dan my momma.

  9. Travis, I think your painting to be will be purrfect!

    Crockett is having a razz vacation, I think.

  10. OMC can't wait to see your mom's painting :D She already did a great job on all of the sketches, so I think this is going to be a masterpiece :) Extra Pawkisses :) <3


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.