Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday Fill-Ins

Happy Friyay pals! Crockett has a wink for all ya lovely ladies out there.  

Dood, I don't think winks work on sisfurs.

I don't even try wif her.  But I are gonna try wif da Friday Fill-Ins . . . 

1. CATNIP brings out the best in me. What can I say? I get sweeter, more affectionate - it are better livin through chemicals. Remember pals, say YES to DRUGS.
2. BEING DENIED CATURDAY BACON makes me grumpier than Grumpy Cat. I luvs my bacon and I better get it - I are real disappointed if I don't.
3. If money grew on trees, I would HAVE A HUGE MANSHUN OF MY OWN WIF FUN CAT SKYWALKS AND TUNNELS. AND BACON EVERYDAY. Nuffin wrong wif dreamin big, right??
4. I have a fear of VACUUMS. I don't like the noise and will take off and hide. 

This linky list is now closed.


  1. No.... You are doing a fine job with that winking but no way Angie will fall for it.

    #4. We agree! Ebil things, vacuums.

  2. Vacums are horrible! We are certain it could suck our tails off...

  3. I have yet to find a cat that didn't dislike vacuums. We did have a cat named K. J. that loved my electric miter saw. She would sit right beside it while it was on. I had to be careful not to cut her. She slept on top of it when it was not running. She seemed to enjoy it. Have a blessed week

    1. Crockett doesn't seem to be too bothered by them, but he dislikes the noise. He'll also sit on the shop vac when it's off though.

  4. Can you believe none of us care about vacuums? Well, with Boodie, it's probably because she's hard of hearing. But still.

    1. Crockett's the only one of us cats who duzn't care. Finley, our 12 year old westie doesn't really care either. One of the baby westies (ok, they're 2, not really babies anymore) is scared and the other just barks em. And both me and Angelique hide.

  5. Bacon is great. Too bad it is bad for us and for the poor little piggies. I think a cat mansion would be a cool thing to have. :)

    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Yeah, I only get a lil - I wish I could have more!

  6. Hari OM
    I dunno, that wink kinda works on me... (or is that too weird???) Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. MOL, considerin all da Tongue Fans out there, we is used to weird.

  7. Crockett that wink is wicked and I bet you've got all the girlcats swooning. I love all your fill-ins today - I vote YES on a mansion with tunnels and passages and FOOD around every corner.

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. Crockett, that wink made all the girl kitties here swoon. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Your answers are purrfection. Eddy especially agrees with #4, because that vacuum is just the worst thing ever. When it comes out, the only place for her is under the bed. Happy weekend!

  9. Travis, we're not fans of the rug sucking monster either.

  10. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I sure hope you got your bacon this morning. My cats do not like the vacuum either. XO

  11. I think like you most of the time, Travis! Including the vacuum...There were two kitties before I was here who actually enjoyed getting a swipe over their furs with the vacuum...and they would wait for their 'turn'! Maybe they considered it like a massage...


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.