Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday Fill-Ins!

Happy Friday y'all! We wuz hangin out in da kitchen dis morning - hopin for somefin good. Too bad da mommas ate see-ree-al. Don't dey realize it are deadly? I mean, we's all heard bout see-ree-al killers right???  

Bacon, on da udder paw, now, bacon are a good idea . . .  

Angelique told me they wouldn't buy it. But it never hurts to try. Now I are gonna try da Friday Fill-Ins.

1. The best teacher I ever had was ANGEL MAURICE. He taught me how to be a sweet mancat. Maybe he didn't want quite as much of my kitten luvin as I wanted to give him, but he did give me some good pointers about nip toys (he luved da giant nip mouse and da dynamite stick) and belly rubs.
2. The worst teacher I ever has was MOMMA. She has some CRAZY ideas - like not meowin while she is feeding me. Which is why I ignore her.
3. I recently learned how to TOLERATE KINLEY ENUF TO SLEEP ON THE BED AGAIN. I liked it better when she wuz in the crate though. "LOCK HER UP!"
4. I think everyone should know how to GIVE ME BACON. Obviously.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Oh, MY! Those fill ins made me MOL!!! And petcretary did too!
    You are a funny kitty, Travis:)
    We here all love you and your whole furmily! You always cheer us up, even if we were not sad:)

  2. I am glad your angel brother taught you to love nip and be a sweet mancat. Did he teach you about bacon too, or did you find out how good it is all on your own?

    1. No - ackshually he wuzn't really a fan. My orange predecessor, Charlie, wuz da furst kitty who really got bacon - he'd had a very tuff life and Crockett's momma saw him starin wistfully at da bacon one morning - and so da Caturday morning bacon tradishun wuz born.

  3. My human eats nuts for breakfast - I guess it's better than cereal if you are a human, but it's still not bacon!

  4. Hari OM
    OMC you are so right about the see-ree-al killers, though not quite as you imagined (if you read that post and comments you will get your mama to never eat that suff again! Unless it's organic of course...).

    There's a hint in 2-4 responses which may give Angel Maurice cause to wonder if he left quite enough of an impression about being 'sweet'!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Are Cap'n Crunch or Reese's Puffs organic? MOL MOL!

  5. Goodness...I never thought about sea-ree-al killers! I must warm my Mom before she opens that box of Chicolate Chex....
    I'm back, I LOVE your Fill-ins and I gotta agree with you on the bacon.

  6. Yup, bacon. It's always bacon that's the best idea of all!

  7. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I
    agree everyone should know how to give you bacon :) XO

  8. Cute answers. Bacon is always a good thing. Have a blessed week.

  9. Bacon is the yummiest...well, okay, it comes in second to shrimp, but it is great!

    You're a very funny kitty. :)

    Both of you kitties are adorable.

    Have a blessed day!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.