Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy Mew Year!

 Happy Mew Year! Well, 2020 wuz a litter box of a year, and we're hoping 2021 are gonna be better.

It's gotta be starting off good at least - we smelled grandma cookin shrimp for later tonite.

Don't disappoint us 2021, or else we may hafta use our smacky paws on ya.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Mewsic Monday

Hey pals! Today we thought we'd show off the new bandanas my momma made us for Catmas. 

These ones have got a sewing theme. MOL, we've got a bandana for all occasions.

It's also Mewsic Monday.

The theme this week are song's for New Year's. And I think we can all agree that 2020 wuz a total litter box of a year and we are ready for somefin new. So here goes . . .

Happy 2021 pals!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday Selfies

It's Sunday, so it's selfie time. As ya can tell, I wuz all dressed up to cheer on da Cowboys and whaddya know, they ackshually won. 


All da boxes are put away, le sigh. But at least the catnip is still strong. Da humans have been enjoying da Netflix subscripshun my momma gifted grandpa, which means some extra cuddle time for us.

Oh yeah, and snacks. There's still some good snacks around here (HAM!) so we're pretty happy kitties.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Meowy Christmas!


Meowy Christmas y'all!

It wuz a tuff year for us (like it wuz for so many kitties and peeps), so we have really been looking forward to Christmas.

After all, we MORE than earned those presents.

It looks like Santa came!

He stuffed the peeps' stockings.

And look at all those presents. There's gotta be some good stuff for us under there!

Bowie got to get his presents furst.

Nip toys! And a nip mat! And a bandana!

He wuz really getting into da nip.

A face dis cute just had to make da nice list.

And Santa Paws really delivered!

As did our Secret Paws, da kitties (and human) at Life and Cats! We got a package of Temptations, 3 felt toys from Haus Panther, and some super strong Yeowww nip sardines. Fanks so much! 

Those nip sardines are amazing!

Angelique couldn't wait to get her presents.

I think Santa musta heard she liked feathers.

And nip!

She got a nip mat and a bandana as well as lotsa feathery toys.

I wuz very excited about opening my Secret Paws presents.

Do I smell nip?

I told ya those sardines were amazing.

Ok, maybe I got a lil stoned.

But can ya blame me, look at all dat nip Santa left! 

I got nip toys, a nip mat, and a bandana.

I guess Santa heard I wuz a good kitty! 

Meowy Christmas pals!!