So maybe it are Thanksgiving at your house, but at our house it are my momma's birthday. Yeah, she is such a diva we gotta move a national holiday for her.

Angelique is not da only diva in da house.
Us kitties wuz snoopervisin da making of da brunch - it involved crab! YUM!
But den this happened - while da humans were eating brunch, the cake layers were cooling on wire racks on the counter. And the flying Bowie leaped up and knocked one of the layers to the ground. So grandma had to remake the cake.
He looks innocent, but he is trouble!
I let momma take a pickshure wif me - it wuz her birthday after all. She joked about how come none of her presents meowed then said yeah, she really needed another $8000 cat. I'm worth every cent - just ask me!! Well, since I did cost so much, I let her take a pic wif me. 😉