Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Well, it's Sunday, so it's selfie time. I went wif an artsy shot - it is so good to be able to feel da sunshine again! 

We've had a fun couple days around here.

It's supposed to freeze tonite so grandma had to bring in all da tropical plants, so our sunroom are now a jungle. A jungle complete wif LIZARDS! We already caught one to play wif, but he got away. Which means we'll get to torture play with him some more. 

And momma put up the Christmas lights in my room! My room is all Christmas decorated now! I love it!

And da tree are gonna go up later this week - we're pretty good (so far anyways), and don't really climb it, but we love sleeping under it and I luv watching the lights.

Let's just hope those pesky elves don't show up.


  1. Elves and lizards, wow, you get all the fun! Hopefully you can banish them pesky critters before they start raiding your treat bags and the humans food ;)

  2. You have lizards in the house? How awesome!

  3. Oh, yes...those pesky dare they!

    Don't be chewing any of your Grandma's plants, ya hear!!?!

    1. We've ackshually been pretty good about the plants this year.

  4. How exciting to have lizards to catch! Good hunting.

  5. Great selfies everyone. Mom had to put our plants in the Greenhouse yesterday and Fenris reports there was a lizard in there. Silly boy he follows Mom around even in the pouring down rain. The rest of us stayed dry and warm in the house. Mom reports there was fire ants in there, apparently they bit her and she said a lot of HBO words.

  6. It's so nice so see all of you enjoying yourselves!

  7. Adorable selfies of everyone! Lizards come into our house too, we safe trap when we can and remove them to the outside. Sounds like your Christmas decorating is well underway!

    1. Yeah, Angelique's momma tries to catch them and free them outside.

  8. We're glad to see you kitties are all doing well, and having a fun time. The four siblings used to have lizards as pets, but that was a long time before I came to live here. They even had a gigantic iguana named Montezuma!

    1. Angelique's momma would luv that - she luvs reptiles.

  9. Nice selfies! Sounds like you are going to have a lot of “toys” in the house!

  10. Very nice selfies. That is cool that you have a lizard friend.

  11. Super nice selfies. Lizards are FUN!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. Maybe you could be nice to the lizard until he finds his way back outside.

  13. Your house ALWAYS looks amazing and magical for Christmas - we can't wait to see photos again this year!!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.