Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sunday Selfies (Day 11 of My Captivity)


I am beginning to think I am never going to get out of this kitty condo. And I wuz denied blogging privileges yesterday! Momma (the Warden) claims she wuz too busy taking down Meowloween decorayshuns. By which she means - removing MY lights! Ok, there's still the white twinkle lights in here, but no pumpkins, no spiders, no candy corn lights and no lights that strobe purple and orange. This is cruel and unusual punishment!!  

And Bowie? He's back to normal - begging for ice cream and macaroni and cheese. His eyes seem to have completely recovered. Still no clue what happened to him, but it wuz definitely scary there for a lil bit.

Angelique has been enjoying some sun time in the cat tree.

And me? I have to take my selfie in the kitty condo cell block #9. Someone call the Innocence Project! 

I don't know if I can count on Bowie or Angelique to do it, so I better keep meowing.

Don't laff at my squeaky meow Angelique! I've been meyowlin for hours. Ya don't know what it's like to do hard time.


  1. Day 11?? You are one third done!! Whoot! Time does fly:) But yes it does seem to drag on too...

    Nice to see you all feisty though.That means you are getting better. And so is Bowie! Yippee!
    Angelique, well, she sure has the look of glam!

    Thanks for the kind words for Pipo, we appreciate it a lot. And for the get well wishes for pawppy.

  2. I'm so glad to hear that Bowie is so much better!

  3. I am glad Bowie is back to normal again.
    I am sorry you are still behind bars, but you need to heal properly.

  4. We're so happy to hear that Bowie is doing well. We know how hard it is to be in captivity but it's impawtent to help you get better too.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. We sure hope your jail sentence is over soon and we're so very happy that Bowie is doing so good!

  6. I would think that you'd be out of jail by now! I'm sure it will be soon, though. Glad you kitties are getting better!

  7. How much longwe Travu ? We are glad you are getting ornerier (means you are feeling better) and so is Bowie ! And Angelique ! Purr !

  8. She could have left your decorations up for you. XO

    1. I know right? Her Thanksgiving decorayshuns are not nearly as extensive.

  9. We're glad Bowie is doing better. Travis, we hope you get out of that cone soon.

  10. We are just glad you are doing better Travis. You too Bowie. Both of you keep going to the good will you please

  11. I bet Bowie was a victim of that Corn Nose virus from the ALIENS who abduct us kitties, and take us aboard their mother ship. EEK! Can your momma give us an idea when you'll be sprung from imprisonment?


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.