Saturday, January 16, 2021

Caturday Art

 Happy Caturday y'all.

We had a pretty chill day here - just lotsa noms, relaxing, and well, a few zoomies for good measure.

Here's momma's Caturday art contribushun.

Hope all of our pals are havin a good weekend.


  1. It was good here...until *she* left for work burt it did get better when she came home hours later!

    But the menfolk took good care of us:)

  2. Mom and dad left me alone all day as they went gallivanting. I gave them a what's what when they returned, but truthfully, there are times when they go off somewhere and I just sleep and don't even know they'd been gone.

    1. Sometimes that happens to me too. i just always try to make momma feel guilty anyways.

  3. You all look SO good!!! I like the art work too :)
    Have a FUN weekend!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. I LOVE seeing what your momma does! And you three look like you are ready to entertain impawtent visitaters. Like me.

  5. Y'all are such masterpieces and your Momma is so talented!

  6. Hi Guys! You look extra specially glorious today! And we LOVE you Momma's Sketch, we always lookm forward to them! We hope you have a marvellously Happy Day!

  7. You all look great. I like the drawing too.

  8. Lookin good in the cat drawing neighborhood

  9. What pretty kitties you are all today. Beautiful art from your Mama.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.