Saturday, January 30, 2021

Caturday Art


Happy Caturday pals!

Well, we FINALLY got control of da momma's computer again.

Can you believe it wuz taken up for days wif something non-cat related??

I know, right?

We deserve extra bacon for dat BS.

Anyways, while da computer wuz busy, at least da momma wuzn't. 

Well, in less you count watching Bridgerton while hanging out wif da kitties. Which are just da kinda "busy" we like.

This whole no social life thing is working out good for us, MOL.

Da momma has some Caturday art for y'all today.

I say it's ME, and Bowie says it's him. Who do you think is right?


  1. Lovely art. Mum and I are always social distancing MOL!

  2. Oh dear, don't your mommas know that it's always all about the cats???

  3. Yeah, that social distancing our humans are doing doesn't bother me a bit. I'm perfectly happy to have them stay home with me all the time!

  4. Sounds like this social distancing is making you kitties very happy. Your photos are pawsome you cuties. I keep hearing about Bridgerton, I guess I need to take a look already.

  5. Y'all look wonderful and in charge too! Such a cute kitty drawing!

  6. That's a really cute drawing but We aren't sure which of you it is.
    Are those new bandanas you're all wearing? They look furry smart!

  7. We always admire your bananas, but these new ones are especially striking !

  8. I bet you knew we meant BANDANAS (though we like bananas too)

  9. Non cat related- that is so wrong. You all look great. XO

  10. Love your pics today! Wonderful!

    We say the art is a kitty you can't brag or have a hissy about it, MOL!

  11. Great art and we really love your love themed bloggie, can I meow that? Love your Love Themed? I guess so


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.