Friday, January 8, 2021

Flowers and Felines

Well, we aren't gonna meow too much about da craziness going on in our country.


Becuz in a week like dis, we figger our fans need to see some cute kitties instead.

Da three of us are workin overtime wif purrs and headbonks for da mommas.

Good thing they pay for overtime work in bacon.

Which we got dis afternoon.

And we thought we'd show some of our winter flowers that are blooming in da pots outside.

Flowers and felines.

Now dat should make y'all feel a lil better about things.

Purrs to everyone.


  1. I am loving all of the cat photos and the beautiful flowers! Thanks for making me happy! Purrs

  2. I know how you guys feel - I've been working overtime trying to keep my followers on Facebook entertained and distracted.

  3. Bacon and you cute kitties always make everything better!

  4. You are all well worth your bacon OT. And I love those flowers, they are very pretty.

  5. Keep up the good work, kitties! Oh, and the flowers are very pretty!

  6. You are right aboutfelines and flowers helping ! Glad you are being properly compensated for all your hard work !

  7. Kitties and flowers are preferable to the news. XO

  8. Nothing more healing than feline purrs, head-bonks and flowers, thakns all - you earned that bacon!

  9. Oh, MY! Such pretty blooms!! Thanks!! we needed that!

  10. guyz...we hurd ya bee gettin SNOWZ down ther....we hope de flowerz iz all rite and everee one haz safe travelz on de stuffz ☺☺♥♥

    1. Well, it only lasted a couple hours then it all melted, so everything wuz fine.

  11. That is Exactly what we need. Enough of all this


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.