Saturday, January 23, 2021

Caturday Art


Happy Caturday pals!

Well, it has been a nasty rainy mess outside for da last few days.

Good thing we are inside kitties!

Anyways, since my momma can't go do much outside, she has been spending a lotta time wif me!

And us kitties can always give her plenty to do!

Da changing barometric presshure has been making us all a lil crazy.

Ok, one of us a bit more crazy dan da rest. MOL MOL.

We got a treat last night - a TikiCat tuna filet treat. OMC, it wuz delishus!

Here are da momma's Caturday art. 

Looks like Angelique may have been da inspurrayshun today!


  1. Awww, the crazies are what keep the peeps entertained, you know!

    Nice art!! Sure does look like Angelique!

    1. Yeah, we gotta do our part to keep em entertained in dis rain.

  2. I didn't know that barometric pressure makes us kitties crazy! Maybe that's why I've been acting nutty here - we've had rain coming through!

  3. Good to hear you had the crazies! Mum always thought they were cool especially when the other cats were here ;)
    We had snow on Friday so we have a white world now :)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Lovely art this week!
    Winter weather is furry nice to look at when one is safe indoors - but not so nice to go out in. If it keeps the Mommas indoors with you, that is a Good Thing.

    1. Well, our winter weather is just rain, so it's not much to look at.

  5. Looking good gang and that tuna treat sure sounds good. Love the art too!

  6. That TikiCat tuna filet sounds good and I hope there is plenty more where that came from! The Angelique art is cute.

  7. TikiCat is good stuff, you three musta been really good this week!

  8. We hate the cold weather! (So does Mom we go out, then we want in then we go out then we come back in). We have never had the TikiCat! We are going to get Mom to look for that stuff! And We gotta tell you how spiffy you all look! Oh yes! Your Mom's Caturday Art is EPIC! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  9. You all look great. I like the drawing too.

  10. It sounds cozy and warm kitties. That is Angelique fur sure


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