Sunday, November 1, 2020

Bowie (Day 5 of My Captivity)

Well, I am still in captivity, but today I are gonna write about Bowie. Ya see, he kinda stole da spotlight today (if da momma's worries set off a spotlight). It all started early this morning - Bowie's momma woke up and noticed him sleeping on a floor - kinda weird, since he duzn't really do that. Then she noticed how weak and wobbly he wuz - somefin wuz definitely wrong wif him. She tried feeding him, and he just fell over and wuzn't interested in food. So my momma agreed that he needed to go see da e-vet and off they went. 

Bowie had to spend the day there. Da mommas were so worried, Bowie seemed so limp and he wuz knuckling under and one hundred purrcent not himself. but it seems like now he are gonna be ok. We don't know if he fell off of somewhere and hurt himself, possibly ate something bad (da mommas don't know WHAT since they checked over and over), if his electrolytes were off (the blood test said they were a lil), or just had some kinda weird episode. Maybe I shouldn't have told him bout the good drugs they give out there and the heated blankets . . .  It kinda seems like we just can't catch a break right now. But Bowie wuz doing much better tonite and da mommas are supposed to pick him up tomorrow.


  1. It for sure doesn't rain, it POURS!! Yikes, Poor Bowie. Sure hope he will be ok really soon.

    1. Forgot to add my purrs and POTP...and some wags from the pups...and could you spare a few for me, Pipo...I am not doing well at all...petcretary is worried to the max.

    2. Yeah, it's been a monsoon lately. Sending purrs to your family - we'll all miss ya Pipo.

  2. Bless him, and you all and the mommas too!Hopefully this winter will be trouble and wobble free for everyone!
    Lots of healing purrs

  3. Yikes! Two of you going to the emergency Vet!!
    Good to hear you are doing better Travis and that Bowie will be coming home. Sending lots and lots of purrs ans POTP to all of you <3
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Poor Bowie! I am glad the blood tests didn't show anything bad and he will soon be back home with you.

  5. OK you all - no more vets and emergencies OK? We hope that you Travis get that cone off soon, that your little brother Bowie is TRULY OK and home again - and that all three of you STAY HEALTHY!

    We send you hugs and POTP................Love, Teddy

  6. Hari OM
    Crikey - more POTP to issue from here to there! Let's hope it was just Bowie wishing he was the centre of fussing for a day or two. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Oh my gosh, that sounds like a scary episode. You are all so lucky that your mom are alert to when you're "off" and quick at getting you all to the vet. Purring that Bowie is 100% healthy!

  8. We are purring and praying for a miracle for Bowie.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. I think he was just trying to distract the mommas so you could make your big escape!

    1. If only I could figured it out to take advantage.

  10. Dang, y'all got the orange messes going on. I hope Bowie is all better soon. I ate a spider once and sort of acted like that, the peeps wouldn't have known but they saw me do it.Purrs and hugs to the orange dudes from all of us.

  11. We are so glad to hear Bowie is coming home! Hopefully, it was just a weird episode due to the full moon.

  12. dood....what de ......we iz sorree ta lurn thiz N send even MOR st francis' blessingz yur way....sum kinda bad mojo izin de houz and it KNEADZ TA LEEVE for sure huh.....we hope bye de time ewe reed thiz ewe R bak home and aye oh kay ♥♥♥

  13. I'm so sorry that Bowie is going through this awful episode and I am purring lots for him to get better.

  14. Oh dear - we are sending purrayers and POTP to Bowie - how scary ! Not just for Bowie but for the Mommas, you and Angelique and the pups !

  15. Poor Bowie. I will add him to my prayer list. XO

  16. Just when I thought this year couldn't get any more challenging for everybody and everypawdy. Purrlease hang in there lil' Bowie.

  17. In December of 2017 Angel Buddy Budd came onto the table for breakfast. Had a good one and then promptly fell on the floor. He could not stand up and I was worried about if he hit his head in the fall but it seemed it was something else. He went to the vet but no injury or cause was found. My vet has been around a long time and he said "feline idiopathic vestibular disease." In a few days buddy was fine and nary a complaint of similar.

    1. We asked about that - they seemed to think it wuzn't that becuz of Bowie's young age, but we still don't know.

  18. We hope Bowie is feeling better today. Still send Healing Pawkisses to all of you🐾😽💞


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