Saturday, November 21, 2020

Caturday Art (Day 24 of My Captivity)


So despite a brilliant redo of Folsom Prison Blues, I remain unjustly imprisoned. Momma says I'll be out in time for Thanksgiving her birthday. All I know is that I has earned some of that birthday food and a BIG helping of turkey on Friday. 

Yeah, Thanksgiving are on Friday in our house dis year. Cuz Angelique are not da only diva princess around here. My momma is not sharing wif no burd.


Bowie has been coming in and hanging out wif me. He still hasn't figgered out how to free me yet. 

At least I have been getting a lot of head rubs today. Not enuf though. Never enuf.

Bowie's fur is growing back pretty nice - you can still see where it's shorter, but it's less noticeable everyday.

My momma has a Caturday Art drawing for today.

Happy Caturday!


  1. Wow, you are having two holidays this week! How fun!

    1. Yeah, it are a busy week for us. Momma says cancelling Thanksgiving is nothing new, she's been demanding the family not celebrate on Thursdays some years for decades now. MOL.

  2. Lovely drawing by your mom.

    Sending you healing purrs xx

  3. That is a cute drawing. You are on a countdown now to freedom!

  4. It sounds like you have a good week coming up! FREEDOM!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. We're be happy to see you out n' about again too Travis. That's really a cute drawing.

  6. Sending you some virtual head rubs Travis ! And purrs to everyone else including the Mamas

  7. Cute drawing. Sorry you are still a prisoner.

  8. That is a lovely piece of Caturday Art, Travis. How talented your Momma is!
    We are sorry you are still incarcerated. Perhaps you should apply for a writ of habeas cor-puss.

    1. My parole date is Wednesday, so I'mm trying to stay on good behavior.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.