Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tunes on Tuesday (Day 20 of My Captivity)

Hey pals. Well, for SOME reason, I wuz denied computer privileges yesterday. It are tuff being stuck in da kitty condo. At least I am almost done - just a week and a day left!


Anyways, I missed out on doing da Mewsic Monday post. 

So today we are doing Tunes on Tuesday.

Cuz it are my blog and I can do whatefur I want!

As we has menshuned a few bazillion times, November are a birthday month for da humans around here - well half of em anyways. Last Friday (da 13th!) wuz Bowie's momma's birthday so this week for our Mewsic post, we are picking some of her favorite songs. 

Ya can see (and hear) some more over at da dog's blog.


  1. Yay for quarantine ending soon Travis and for you to continue to get better!!!! Some good songs there though mum and I do not know many country songs.
    Purrs, Julie

  2. I am reading this on Wednesday so it is only 7 days to go now for your freedom!

  3. One week to go, Travis, that's great news and we're glad that Bowie looks better too🙏💗And good mewsic all around, we especially liked the Greenday song today. Happy belated Birthday to your mommy, Granny and I had our birthday also on the 13th😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday to all of you🐾😽💞

  4. Great music choices! Are you going to have a party when you break free?

    1. Ackshually, my momma's birthday are da next day, so yeah, the whole house is gonna be partyin!

  5. Really good tunes and Happy Birthday to Bowie's Momma from all of us!

  6. dood....did we say happee birth day two de momma....if knot happee birth day two her N we hope her day total lee rocked...we hope ewe waz abe bull ta get her sum cat grass, nip, canned goodz N treetz....coz her will RE GIFT it all, bak two ewe !!! ;) ♥♥☺☺

    1. Now dat are a good idea! I know what I are getting my momma for her birthday next week now.

  7. One little week, Travis, one little week... Hang on ! Purrs

  8. Happy belated purrthday to da Momma - you can do the last week Travis !

  9. Good grief, Travis! Hasn't anyone come up with the bail to get you out of kitty cat prison yet??? We think you should get early release for good behavior. At least you got to listen to some nice music.

  10. The best news is the day after day seven; the last day of your jail sentence...but the best news of all will be when all the peeps in the world can be released from the covid jail time. Sheesh, its just not ending:(

    1. Yeah, Texas wuz the first state to hit 1 million cases and it are just getting worse.

  11. So glad to hear that there is only a week left of jail. You will be out and about having fun again. Thanks for the tunes we never get tired of that Johnny Cash tune

  12. Cool,I posted some bad Hammered Dulcimer playing on my parton blog,come for a visit if you would like to see me making a fool of myselgf.

  13. Interesting song choices - Hurt is a masterpiece. Love Roar and Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Fly was new to me. Some kind of theme here...we will keep on keeping on.

    1. Yeah, 2020 has been a hell of a year. It just feels more like a decade.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.