Saturday, February 6, 2021

Caturday Art (and Vet Results)


Hey pals!

It's the weekend and us kitties are ready to party!

Hint hint - bacon makes an excellent Kitten Bowl (or Super Bowl if you MUST) snack. 

Momma got my numbers back from da vet this week - and it are good news! My bloodwork wuz good - my BUN wuz barely elevated but my creatine wuz good. Da vet thinks da BUN wuz because I am on a high-protein low-carb diet. But da numbers my momma wuz more worried about wuz da urinalysis - and dat news wuz pawsome! NO crystals and da vet said my peeH wuz pawsome! So it wuz good news and I get to keep eating Tiki Cat.

We're happy we are doing the right thing - it can be confusing to figure out when you have a crystal-prone kitty.

We relied a lot on the info on Cat Info (in consultation with our vet) and have basically stuck with Tiki Cat wet food and avoided the sardine varieties since they are too high in phosphorus. Which means I even get to enjoy some fishy foods (although momma duz try to make sure I don't eat fish exclusively any day). The normal problem with fish and crystal-prone kitties is the high phosphorus levels in fish foods from ground up fish bones. But for most fish varieties (tuna, salmon, etc.) Tiki Cat does not grind up fish bones. The only varieties that seem to be a problem are the sardine ones, so we don't buy those.

Of course, we always recommend you follow your vet's advice for your kitty, we're just sharing what worked for us. We like that Tiki Cat is more nutritionally appropriate for cats than a lot of the urinary health foods.

Plus it are delishus! And momma likes the packaging (not that it really matters, but it are a cute bonus and the retro cool kitty is right up da momma's alley). 

Ok, now on to da momma's Caturday art contribution.

Have a pawsome weekend pals! 


  1. I like Tiki Cat but I eat the kibble not that TW wants to give me kibble so it's just a snack. Hope you can still eat bacon. Our Nicky was prone to crystals.

  2. Hooray for great reports, Travis!

    Hope you all can enjoy a fun filled weekend...and make sure to get some bacon...or other pawrtay noms.
    Are you going to watch the kitten bowl?

  3. That's a great report, Travis! And I didn't know about the Tiki fish food with no ground bones. Maybe I will get to have some of that after all. (My human doesn't give me fish flavors at all, not because I have any urinary problems, but just to be safe.)

    1. Yeah, we wouldn't do any other fish since most are so high in phosphorus.

  4. Glad you are doing well now, Travis!

    You all look fine and love the art x

  5. That was a very good report, and I am glad you can continue having the food you like.

  6. So happy to hear that you are doing so well Travis!!!
    Now you can just be happy and enjoy being you ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  7. Such cute kitty art and we're so happy to see so much good news from the Vet reports, bravo!

  8. I am happy that you got good news. And you can stick with the Tiki food. Cute drawing. XO

  9. We are so happy that the Vet said you are doing terrific! Your Mom ROCKS (as does your Tiki Cat food). This is the bestest news! Your Mom's art is pawsome ans are your valentine bandanas! May you and yours today be filled with fun!

  10. We are so glad you got a great report Travis ! Purrs to all of you !

  11. Great news! We're glad the yummy noms are working for you.
    The Florida Furkids


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.