Sunday, February 7, 2021

Super Sunday Selfies


Well, it's Super Bowl Sunday. We started off the day with the Kitten Bowl. Which wuz cute and all, but it may have given da mommas a dose of Kitten Fever.

Too bad there isn't a vaccine for that, MOL! Anyways, we're just chillin and waiting for da snacks dat should be coming out any minute.

We heard somefin bout chikken. 


  1. We just watched the 1/2 time show! And ate supper! We had chicken! Love your new Banadanas!May you and your family's day be filled with fun!

  2. Our silly peeps forgot to watch the kitten show, and the other one about all the pups, too...and they hardly ever watch the football anyways...MOL!
    They are more into the college teams:)

    1. Yeah, my humans didn't really care who won, but they watch anyways. MOL.

  3. My human and I missed ALL the bowls today. It's probably just as well.

  4. Chicken in a super sized bowl would be darn good!

  5. My peeps had chicken wings last night...I didn't get any! Phooey! ~Ernie

  6. We had fun with treats before the Super Bowl and thank Cod for that


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.