Saturday, February 13, 2021

Caturday Art

Well, so far no snow, but it is supposed to be coming tomorrow. I don't mind this frigid stuff since momma spent a lot of today hanging out in her bed and reading.

Which meant some extra cuddle time for us.

And da humans all gotta stay home for Valentine's, so hopefully we'll be able to beg something tasty off of em!

Here's momma's Caturday art for today - kitties in luv!


  1. That is very sweet art! Cold weather has it's advantages if it means you get to stay in bed with your momma.

  2. We love this week's Art.
    And those Valentine's Day bandanas of yours are mighty fine!

  3. Looking good gang and that's sure love kitty art too. Y'all keep warm!

  4. What lovely art and extra cuddles are always good!

  5. Hi Guys! Your Mom's Art rocks as do your bandanas! Have a marvellously Happy SNOW Day! (One of our favorite things is to read in bed with our Mom)

  6. nice artwork and pawsome bandanas!! Happy Valentine's Day!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. That art made *her* smile!!

    Just like she did when she saw all of you!

    Good thing you are all warm and cozy! Snuggling keeps you warm!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.