Saturday, February 20, 2021

Caturday Art


So us Texans are thawing out.

Most people have power again,  but there are still millions who are under boil water orders.

There's also food shortages at lotsa grocery stores here. 

But at least our Chewy order came today, so we've got plenty of TikiCat.

Glad the important things are taken care of!

Here's today's Caturday art from da momma.

Have a pawsome Caturday!


  1. I'm glad you guys are well taken care of with the food. I hope you don't wind up having to share with your humans!

    1. Luckily, they bought some extra before the storm.

  2. Glad you got your food and love the pics and art!

  3. I am glad your food supplies have arrived. I hope the thaw continues and you can soon get back to normal.

  4. We're glad the important stuff is taken care of. Sure sounds like you guys have had a lot to deal with down there. This is a gorgeous collection of photos, and the mom's artwork is always a joy to see.

  5. We're glad you got YOUR food, at least. You might have to share some with the Mommas though (mol).

  6. We're sure glad you are okay and thawing out and we send prayers to those having difficulties.

    1. Yeah, there's still a lot of people having problems.

  7. Glad to hear you guys are okay! We hope your humans have food too!

  8. Yay for the food order coming.
    You kitties will be OK.
    Good that you have power. I purr for all those that don't.
    Being cold is not fun. Thank goodness for power and a furnace!
    Purrs, Julie

  9. I'm so glad the Chewy order arrived! Hopefully basic needs will be met quickly now. PS: I really hope y'all are not one of those cursed variable rate power plans. That's just.... headsplitting, how terrible those are.

    1. Nope, we're on a fixed rate. Although we don't know if our power company will be going bankrupt now or what.

  10. Glad your Chewy order arrived and you are thawing out. :) XO

  11. Cute drawing! Glad your TikiCat came through. Your state is in a mess politically but you know that.

    1. Oh, we know it all too well. Cancun Cruz are just da tip of da iceberg.

  12. Chewy came through!! Hooray!

    Glad Texas is starting to get thawed. Hope all the troubles will soon be only a bad memory.

  13. Glad you are safe, have noms and Mom feels like art. All is good


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.