Monday, February 1, 2021

Mewsic Monday

Happy Monday! It's been a while since we did a Mewsic Monday, so we thought we'd do something today.

The theme today are "sweet" songs. Ok, we might prefur songs about bacon, or tuna, or butter, but for some reason, da humans like da sweet stuff.

So here's our collection of sweet songs.

Kinley will have some more sweet songs for ya.


  1. Sweetness all around!! Tis the season! Gotta get the red stuff out here...wait, the Christmas table cloth isn't red enough for Valentine's Day?? MOL!

    *she* sure is lazy...but whenever she has time to do it, unfurbro-the-elder is sitting there doing his work...yup, he's still here helping with some of the heavy chores that pawppy can't do...(He has a job in Chicago, but lives hours from there, he always has been a telecommuter, so the covid lockdowns don't bother him too much...)

    1. That's good that his job hasn't been effected. Momma has been trying to figure out a different career path since COVID pretty much killed her personal training business. It are NOT fun.

  2. Great choice of songs! The last one is unavailable here so couldn't see what it was.

  3. Those really were sweet tunes but bacon tunes would be good!

  4. Good picks all! Everyone looks great in your bandanas.

  5. Nice choices. You all look great.

  6. Dad loved the Eurythmics! Thanks for a trip down memory lane, 1983 was when Angel Ming was with Dad

    1. 1983 wuz before my momma wuz even born, but she does like da song.

  7. LSC,

    I enjoyed your 4M sweet song picks. I do believe the last two are introductions which I'm a bit surprised by since they are relatively newer tunes. Nice finds! Have a boogietastic day, my furriends. ;)

  8. Sweet songs. Gwen Stefani really rocked that 40's/50's vibe, and enjoyed Annie Lenox and U2's songs, too. Lost my internet briefly when I tried to comment the first time so if this is a duplicate just go ahead and delete this one. Alana


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.