Saturday, February 27, 2021

Caturday Art

Happy Caturday y'all! We had kind of a chill Caturday today - lotsa hanging out wif da momma while dey watched da Netflix. 

We also decided to show off of da other side of our grape bandanas. Which has more grapes, MOL. And pears or something.

Oh, and here are today's Caturday art.

Have a pawsome weekend pals!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Fashion Friday!

Guess who got a lil taste of sossidge tonite???

Add that to the bacon yesterday and we iz on a roll.


Even Angelique thinks it are worth getting outta bed for.

My momma finished some more new bandanas for us.

Dey has grapes on em. Momma says she prefurs her grapes furmented. Well, ok, I guess we could rub all over her grapes and furment them, even if it are kind of a strange request.

As long as we get some bacon for our efforts!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Still Waiting on Petco/UPS


So things are getting back to normal. As in my warm sunpuddles have returned. 

Da momma says it wuz 81 in da outsides today and she wuz very happy about it. MOL. We wuz more happy about our other Chewy order showing up yesterday. 

And not so happy wif Petco/UPS still failing to deliver. Hisses.

Besides our noms, momma also got some toothpaste and toothbrushes for me. And I'm actually being cooperative about it too.

I guess next up are getting Bowie started.

Or maybe Angelique. MOL. I think my momma will let HER momma handle that. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Selfies

Well, it's Sunday, so it's selfie time.

It's back to being 72 here in Dallas, so yeah, a good 75 degrees warmer than earlier this week. Crazy stuff! Oh and we got some more food from Chewy today. I think momma is jealous since her fast food options are still not up and running 100 purrcent. MOL.

Anyways, we had a pretty good Sunday, even if it wuz lacking in da bacon. Tomorrow are another day.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Caturday Art


So us Texans are thawing out.

Most people have power again,  but there are still millions who are under boil water orders.

There's also food shortages at lotsa grocery stores here. 

But at least our Chewy order came today, so we've got plenty of TikiCat.

Glad the important things are taken care of!

Here's today's Caturday art from da momma.

Have a pawsome Caturday!

Thursday, February 18, 2021


So we continue to be snow-covered here in Texas. Our food orders might show up sometime this week and we can't get to any stores. But we think we have enuf food to last, plus grandma made us some chikky livers and chikky breast to help stretch things.

We still have power and water, but our city has been warning everyone that water supplies are very low and they are only supposed to be used for hand washing and drinking. Good thing we wash our own paws.

Momma saw kitty paw prints in the snow by our garage door. We hope that poor lil kitty found somewhere warm to go, too bad she didn't stick around because ya know our mommas would let her in. Well, ok, we'd probably have a new sibling. MOL!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Happy Mardi Gras!


Happy Mardi Gras! Laissez les bon temps rouler!

Ok, maybe there aren't so many bon temps around here. More like froid temps. Luckily, we still have power and we got bacon dis morning.

And seafood are on da way tonite and my momma hasn't turned homicidal yet. Just almost. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Code Red

Well, that's what the city are saying. I kinda think it should be called Code White for all da snow. We are in a Code Red situation and multiple power plants are shut down becuz of the cold. Lots of people around here are without power and it are currently 11 with a "feels like" temp of -2. The wind chill tonight is supposed to get to around -15 or -20.  


There have been rolling blackouts, but some people are saying they are not "rolling" the power back on once it goes off. Luckily, we have had power the whole time - Bowie's momma thinks it is becuz we are very close to a fire station and they won't cut the power to fire stations. 

We're hoping the power stays on.

It wuz so cold that the pool wuz icing over even though it wuz running.  Bowie's momma had to break up the ice.

The mommas are gonna hafta sleep in shifts tonite becuz if the power goes off, they hafta go drain the pool equipment immediately, otherwise it can freeze and pipes can burst. So we're all hopin our power stays on and this awful weather goes away.